Join the party
LDN challenges the other hand to clap

[APRIL 21, 2000]  Lincoln Daily News is about to celebrate its three-month birthday, and we want our readers to join the party.  You see, an online newspaper offers wonderful opportunities for interaction. So get ready to join the fun and start interacting with our community’s daily online newspaper.

Here are five interactive things you can do to become part of the LDN experience:

  • Send us an e-mail message and tell us something you like, something you don’t like, something you’d like to see us cover.  Tell us your opinion about some local event.  Tell us anything.  Just contact the editor below.  Way to interact!

  • When you see an article you like, just punch MAIL on your browser and send the article’s link to your friend.  Or send the actual page.  Did you know you could do this?  It’s really cool.  Try it, you’ll feel like a techie.

  • Subscribe as an LDN regular reader.  It doesn’t cost anything, and you’ll get to place a free Happy Ad.  Of course, you can always read LDN free without subscribing, but if you subscribe you will be a part of the LDN community.  Just push the icon below.

  • Contact a friend or relative who lives away from here and ask them to e-mail their whereabouts and what they are doing to LDN’s Diaspora section.  Or send us their e-mail address, and we will contact them.  Help us connect with retirees, college students, people who have moved away, anyone from Logan County.  Let’s stay in touch.

  • Quit griping and file your complaint to our Ombudsman section.  Poor city services?  Rude businesses?  Barking dogs?  LDN will try to find a solution for you.

LDN wants a relationship with you.  Please take that personally.  Let’s start interacting. 

Severe weather hits Logan County—more to come

[APRIL 20, 2000]  Severe weather swept through the Logan County area this morning, and is expected to continue throughout the evening hours. Thunderstorms began early this morning, accompanied by high winds and possible hail. A tornado touched down four miles south of Lincoln at 9:14 a.m. Structural damage and injuries have been reported.

The county has experienced two waves of severe weather and two more are expected later in the day. The first front went through at about 6 a.m., bringing thunderstorms and 60 mph winds. At 8:30 a.m. the second weather


[Fast winds ripped apart trees across Logan County.]

wave hit, damaging barns and outbuildings, and knocking down one mile of power lines in Emden between 600 Avenue and 2600 Street. In San Jose, officials responded to a gas leak, which happened when a mobile home was blown off its foundation. Currently, officials estimate $100,000 worth of damage and expect that figure to rise.


Two accidents were reported in Emden and Lincoln. A driver in Emden was injured when his semi overturned due to the high winds. He was taken to Abraham Lincoln Memorial Hospital. In addition, a three-car accident occurred west of Lincoln, injuring one person. Reports are not yet available on their conditions.




A third band is expected to bring winds and possible cold-air funnels into the area. According to Dan Fulscher, director for Logan County Emergency Services and Disaster Agency, the funnels can travel at about 75-125 mph, and should not be


[Barn topples due to high winds in Emden.]

underestimated. He added that another batch of bad weather is brewing in Iowa and Missouri and is expected to arrive here in mid-afternoon. Log on to Lincoln Daily News for any additional weather updates.