Letters to the Editor Supporting Bill Workman

Mrs. Bettie Spitze
925 Primm Rd.
Lincoln, IL 62656

To: Editor; Lincoln Courier

Dear Editor:

        Last night (10/26/99) I had the privilege of delivering over 2000 petition names to the Logan County Board on behalf of a LOCAL ambulance service (LCPA). Fortunately, enough Board members voted to support the LCPA, and the "real winner" will be the public.

        One of the "unsung heros" of this entire process is our State's Attorney, Bill Workman. Mr. Workman stopped the voting process on 10/19/99 due to violations in Federal Health Care laws he discovered. He also did not allow on e of the members to vote due to his determination of "conflict of interest". One can only imagine the pressure Mr. Workman felt as a result of his honest actions.

        In my opinion, as the person who helped organize the petition drive, and who spoke out serveral times on behalf of the people's right to high quality emergency health care services, our local Paramedic organization would not have succeeded without the courage and integrity of Mr. Bill Workman.

        In serveral months the (Republican) voters will go to the polls to select a candidate for State's Attorney for 4 more years. While there will be a lot of arguments for and agains the people running for office I can tell you personally that Bill Workman was there for the people of Logan County (and especially the senior citizens like myself!) when we needed him.

         Bill Workman will have my vote for State's Attorney!


Mrs. Bettie Spitze