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Lincoln, IL

    posted daily aT NOON (CDT)

October 22, 2010

A weekend full of activities

[AUG. 28, 2000]  Lincoln was the place to be this past weekend. Another successful Art and Balloon Festival is now history. Organizers are already planning how to make next year’s show even better. Outside of controlling the weather, not much could top this year’s activities. The weekend was full of family entertainment and events.

Car and motorcycle show

[AUG. 28, 2000]  Downtown fair goers moving from the art show in Latham Park to the craft show in Scully Park perused vintage and classic cars, plus motorcycles. David Elder of Elder Custom Cycle organized the annual car show around the courthouse square. There were 73 registered entries, including 60 cars. The cars and motorcycles were on display for all to see and ogle.

[click here for pictures]

Re-enactment of city christening

[AUG. 28, 2000]  At 10 a.m. Sunday, a crowd gathered on the Depot lawn for a re-enactment of the christening of the city of Lincoln. This Looking for Lincoln activity — the first in Lincoln — took place on the very spot young lawyer Abraham Lincoln is said to have squeezed the juice from the heart of a watermelon, and, as he poured the juice from a cup, spoke the words, "We will now christen the new town Lincoln."

[click here for pictures of the re-enactment]

Art and craft shows

[AUG. 28, 2000]  Local and regional artisans and vendors set up shop in Latham Park. Numerous tents sported a variety of goods from T-shirts to exquisitely hand-carved wood items. Vendors were all friendly and informative, lending a spirit of relaxation to the summer event.

[click here for pictures]


"Get to Know Your Neighbor Day" ─

San Jose reaches out

[AUG. 28, 2000]  On Sunday, Aug. 27, San Jose, had its second annual "Get to Know Your Neighbor Day." The brainchild of the San Jose Police Department, the event was designed to bring in people from surrounding towns and show them a day of family fun in the village on Route 136.

[complete story]


Extension plans sessions
on field crop scouting

[AUG. 28, 2000]  The Logan County Extension Office has had a continuing program on field crop scouting since 1991. The program is available to anyone interested in learning more about crop production in the central Illinois area. The goal is to provide a framework for educational programs relating to crop scouting, crop growth and development, and other related topics.

[complete story]

Extension lists upcoming events of note


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