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                                   posted daily at 11am               

November 01, 2000


Census 2000 Awareness Campaign Hits the County

[FEB. 1, 2000]  Got Census? Logan County residents will receive US Census 2000 questionnaires in the mail in early March. But the Awareness Campaign is already underway to make residents aware of the purpose of the census and to inform them of how the results can help to enrich our community. Census results provide social and economic facts about people and housing that is used by the state and local governments to assist in future planning.

[complete story]       



Tonight at Six...

[FEB. 1, 2000]   Check this out, tonight at six WAND-TV will be airing an exclusive interview about what goes on behind the scenes at Lincoln Daily News.  Tune in with Read O`Brien.


             ARTS & BOOKS

Haiku for the Heartland
[FEB. 1, 2000]  It may seem unlikely that a Lincoln dentist keeps winning international prizes for poetry written in a 300-year-old Japanese form, but to Dr. Lee Gurga it is all very natural.



                                        [complete story] 


Teen Court, A Jury of Their Peers
[JAN. 31, 2000]
When Dorothy Morrow heard about the Teen Court in Galesburg, she thought it was a program that could help teenagers get back on track.  At the time she had a particular teenager in mind, a relative who, like many youngsters, had made a few mistakes in the process of growing up.  Without an alternative to the conventional justice system, Ms. Morrow knew that kids could get “lost in the shuffle.”

[complete story]


Other News-


- Snow Days

- I Choose You

- Lincoln College to Award Honorary Degrees at Charter Day Celebration



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