Car Parts

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3. not the brake, not the gas, the other pedal
6. you wear this to keep from going thru the windshield
9. the place where you store fuel
13. open this to get in and out
14. removes rain etc from the windshield
15. not the front seat
17. play tunes
20. over the wheel
22. you can see backward with this
26. newer cars which don't have a carburator have this
27. where the suitcases go
30. push this to go faster
33. use these after dark
34. prevents bad air from hurting the engine
35. these lights go on when you push the brake pedal
36. connects the axles to the rest of the car
37. where you keep the manual


1. push this pedal to stop or slow down
2. on the front and back of the car to protect in case of a crash
4. automates speed control
5. if you don't have fuel injection you have a ...
7. the power plant of the car
8. the gear box is also called the ....
10. when turning you use this to communicate your intention to other drivers
11. raise this to service the engine
12. you sit in this
16. you turn with this
18. the technical name for the car body
19. you hear sound from these
21. the wheels are connected to these
23. keeps the engine quiet
24. you shift gears with this
25. when the regular headlights aren't enough
28. keeps the engine cool
29. the coloring on the outside of the auto
31. these make the ride smoother
32. these go round and round on the road

Copyright LDN 2000 Lincoln Daily News.

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