Emden Homecoming Pictures

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[Cole Baker got his candy bucket ready for the parade.]

[The Mayor of Emden, Ivan Rademaker, started the parade on his horse.]

[Grand Marshalls for the parade were Janet Groth,  postmaster, of Emden and Jerry Nannen, rural carrier, of Emden.]

[Emden kids decorated their bikes for the parade.]

[Hanna Wagner of Emden dressed up as Charlie Brown and pulled Snoopy in her wagon.]

[Sydnie Rohlfs of Emden was shaded by a cloud as her dad Nick handed out candy.]

[Hartem cheerleaders enjoyed a ride from the Hartsburg Fire Department.]

[Lincoln-Logan County Chamber of Commerce joined the parade in the watermelon car.]

[Area square dancers enjoyed waving to the crowd.]

[Adam Cheatham of Emden pulled the first fire extinguisher of the Emden Fire Department.]

[The Olympia Marching Band struck up a tune.]

[Jillyan Cross of Emden was Rock'n' into the new millenium.]

[San Jose Lion's Club was playing "I Want to be a Millionaire.".]

[Jessie and Nikkie Eeter of Emden drove a float for their dad Kerry.]

[Emden Country Market blasted off into the new millenium.]