Part 1

Is a cruise vacation in your plans?

[NOV. 24, 2000]  With the extended warm fall weather, it’s hard to believe winter is just around the corner. But soon, that cold wind will howling at your doorstep. The bleak central Illinois landscape will shift from frozen tundra to soggy sod, back to frozen tundra again. Springtime will seem like an eternity away.

Seven ways to get the best cruise deals

1.  Two-for-1 or second passengers cruise free: One of the best cruise discounts currently available to consumers. Offered on a consistent but selective basis by many cruise lines. Generally these deals are for the cruise only but sometimes include airfare from selected cities.

2.  Better than 2-for-1: This promotion often used by Holland America and Princess Cruise lines. Offers 2-for-1 plus an additional $500 off per person.

3.  Added value: Offers deals like "book a 14-day cruise and get seven days free" or free shore excursions. One cruise line offered a free $700 camera if passengers sailed on a specific date. Commonly used by Holland America, Norwegian Cruise Line, Costa and Orient Lines.

4.  Flat rate specials: Usually gives one fixed price for the best available cabin at time of booking. Commonly used by Princess and Norwegian Cruise Lines.

5.  Senior citizens specials: Reduced rates for seniors on select sailing is commonly used by Royal Caribbean, Celebrity, Costa and Norwegian Cruise lines. One passenger in the cabin must be at least 55 years old.

6.  Discount for full payment in advance: Popular with Silversea and Seabourn.

7.  First-time cruiser discount: Seabourn has offered discounts up to $500 per person to passengers booking the line for the first time.

Now’s the time to start planning how to beat the cold-weather blues. It’s also the best time to book a cruise and get a good deal, according to travel agents.

Close your eyes and picture yourself lounging poolside in a red-and-white-striped deck chair, slathered with suntan oil and sipping a mango colada. Your foot is tapping to the rhythm of calypso music beating in the background as you cruise along at 25 knots. You and a thousand other snowbirds are making your way to an exotic port of call. You have nothing more pressing on your daily agenda than eating lunch and deciding what to wear dancing that night — making a note to yourself to close leave the disco in time to hit the midnight buffet.


What better way to escape the harsh reality of a Midwestern winter than to treat yourself to a cruise? And now’s the time to begin planning that winter vacation.


Cruise facts

*An estimated six million people cruised in 1999, compared with only half a million a year in the early 1970s.

*57 million Americans say they want to take a cruise.

*A record 17,663 cruises were offered at the beginning of this year — a 50 percent increase over previous years.

*The top three cruise destinations are the Caribbean, Europe and Alaska.

*There are more than 1,800 ports of call worldwide.


Regina Washum, a travel agent with Astro Travel in Lincoln, said people of all ages book cruises to a variety of locations.


"It’s a mix, according to what I’ve been selling," she said. "It’s a variety." She’s been booking local customers from young couples to senior citizens.

Whether you want to do nothing but sit in an deck chair and eat 14 times a day or keep busy every minute of every hour of the day, a cruise can suit everybody. No wonder February is National Cruise Vacation Month. What better time to head for a tropical locale than in the dead of winter?


[to top of second column in this section]

According to statistics released by the Cruise Lines International Association, more than half of today’s cruise takers are between the ages of 25 and 60, with average household incomes under $60,000. It may be a surprise to some, but cruising is not just a luxury enjoyed by the wealthy but an affordable vacation for everyone.


Washum said people are now booking cruises for next spring and summer, and it’s hard to pinpoint the most popular length of trip. She said people are making plans for cruises ranging from three and four days to 10 and 11 days.

One of the reasons travel agents like cruises is because the customer knows what it’s going to cost — at least 90 percent of it. The all-encompassing components of a cruise make it an especially good fit for senior citizens, but Washum said young couples also like the easy, relaxing way to see the world.

Cruises offer nonstop activities, such as special lectures, programs, games and dancing, and a wide variety of shore excursions. Most ships have modern medical facilities and satellite communications equipment.

Once your white Christmas is over and you’ve had several chances to build a snowman with your grandkids and soak up the warmth of a fire with your cat nestled on your lap, the weather starts to get on everyone’s nerves.

So if you decide to do something about it and go on a cruise, the first thing you need to do is decide how long you want to be gone. Cruises are offered from two days to more than 100 days, but the most popular cruises last between three and 14 days.

Local travel agents recommend examining cruise brochures and deciding where you might want to go, keeping in mind that it is rarely necessary to pay the price listed in a cruise brochure. Asking friends and family where they’ve been is also helpful, but consulting a qualified cruise expert and travel agent is one the best ways to gather information.

You also need to decide on how much you want to spend, and there are cruise vacations to suit every budget, from the cost-conscious to very expensive. Cruise fares include all meals, cabin, on-board daytime activities, parties and entertainment.

(To be continued)

[Penny Zimmerman-Wills]

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