The Hallway Buzz

The question is:

"What is your reaction to teens not being allowed 'to hang out' along Woodlawn Road?"

Responses from  LCHS students are below. 

[Maria Frasier, junior]

I don't like it. As long as you keep the area clean and respect the place you're at, what's wrong with it? We should be able to hang out.

[Cara Brewer, freshman]

I personally was never there, but I've seen nothing wrong with it. If they are going to ban teens, we should have a teen nightclub or a special parking area.


(To top of second column)

[Heather Alley, freshman]

They shouldn't ban teens from along Woodlawn. Teens will just go everywhere else. It's better to keep them in one spot to watch over them.

[Amanda Giles, junior]

It does affect me. I don't get off work until 9 p.m. and I would hang out. If there are not big problems with it, then get some garbage cans. If not, give us places to go.


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