This feature of the Lincoln Daily News compares Lincoln and Logan County to similar cities and counties on a variety of issues in a succinct manner, using charts and graphs for illustration.


1998 full-time sheriff's department law enforcement employees

1998 full-time police department law enforcement employees

Per capita personal income

Total and teen births by county

Average monthly net food stamp payments--Number of persons

Average monthly net food stamp payments--Stamps issued in dollars

Household income vs. housing costs

1999 average composite ACT score in small high schools in Logan County

Percent of students from low-income families in small high schools 

in Logan County and comparison counties 

1998-99 enrollment of small high schools in Logan County and comparison counties

1999 composite ACT score

1998-1999 high school enrollment

Percentage of high school students from low-income families

1998 drug arrests per thousand population by county

1990 population





1998 Full-Time Sheriff's Department Law Enforcement Employees

[Statistics compiled by Alexis Asher]