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Letters to the Editor


The Lincoln Daily News publishes letters to the editor as they are received.
 The letters are not edited in content and do not necessarily reflect 
the views of the Lincoln Daily News.

Lincoln Daily News requests that writers responding to controversial issues address the issue and refrain from personal attacks. Thank you!


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Lincoln Daily News.com
601 Keokuk St.
Lincoln, IL 62656

TEL: 217-732-7443
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The mission of Lincoln Daily News is to tell the stories of Logan County in a contemporaneous manner, with lively writing and a predilection for simple truth fairly told. Lincoln Daily News seeks a relationship with the good people of Logan County that is honest, neighborly and never patronizing. Lincoln Daily News presents news within a full context that contributes to understanding. Lincoln Daily News is more interested in the marketplace of ideas than the competition of personalities. Without shrinking from the bold delivery of unvarnished fact, Lincoln Daily News operates from the premise that God's creatures deserve the presumption of right motive. Lincoln Daily News eschews malice and cynicism; it approaches every person with dignity and every subject with equanimity. In short, Lincoln Daily News informs, stimulates and entertains.


The articles published in Lincoln Daily News are the result of research and interviews.  Any opinions expressed are those of the writers.


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Lincoln Daily News provides daily news, sports, features and commentary on Lincoln, Logan County and the surrounding area. 

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[to top of second column]









Excellent improvements


To the editor:

We are impressed with the recent improvements made to your home page. We believe it is more user friendly and are equally pleased with the new options being offered. We also appreciate your efforts to offer the news in an unbiased manner.

We believe Lincoln Daily News is the best-kept secret in Lincoln, Ill.

Keep up the good work.

Best wishes,

Les Van Bibber

Support requested for fire victims


To the editor:

There has been a lot of talk about town about the historical importance of the Scully Building.  I agree, it's a landmark and should be preserved if possible.

There is a human tragedy in this fire.  Although no one was seriously hurt, there are some people — Jimmy McGrady is one I know — who lost everything in his apartment fire.

Docia Barrick at C.I.E.D.C. (Community Action) is willing to take donations to help Jimmy and others who lost everything in the fire. 

Wouldn't it be wonderful if people in the community can pull together to donate items to give these residents a hand up even though Christmas is past.

Let us continue with the spirit of giving and help these individuals today.

Thank you,

Mary Rousey


Board disregarded voters' wishes


To the editor:

This recent decision by the Logan County Board to not wait on the referendum being circulated by voters of Logan County really has gotten my attention.

People of Lincoln, did you know that three board members live within six blocks of each other and another two board members live on the same street in another area of the city?

Just think that if you lived in a certain district, you would have one person representing you (someone that you could have personal contact with) rather than all board members (hopefully) representing you.

Please contact all the board members and make your wishes known — that you want the County Board members elected by district rather than at large.

These seven board members must think that they have gotten a lock on their job. Boy, have I got news for them. Is it an ego trip, power hungry, money? I don't know.

Just think, 15 cents (for three minutes) gives you plenty of time to give these people your opinion over the phone. Or, write letters to editor.

One board member said nobody called him. Well, now is the time!!


James Stauffer



Scully Building fire


To the editor:

Mike Fak said so much in his article, and I, for one, wish to thank him for recognizing not only the history of the building but the fact that we need to support and help to rebuild our downtown community.  I have enjoyed the many businesses that have been affected by this loss.  I hope that they are all able to rebuild and flourish. These businesses make our downtown a very enjoyable place to shop while keeping our money in our own community. 

Thanks, Mike!

Nancy Clinton





Please send your letters by e-mail to ldneditor@lincolndailynews.com or by U.S. postal mail to:

Letters to the Editor
Lincoln Daily News
601 Keokuk St.
Lincoln, IL  62656

Letters must include the writer's name, telephone number, mailing address and/or e-mail address (we will not publish address or phone number information). Lincoln Daily News reserves the right to edit letters to reduce their size or to correct obvious errors. Lincoln Daily News reserves the right to reject any letter for any reason. Lincoln Daily News will publish as many acceptable letters as space allows. 


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