Recycling in Logan County

Logan County Joint Solid Waste Agency

Logan County Courthouse

601 Broadway St.

P.O. Box 428

Lincoln, IL 62656-0428



Logan County recycled 23% of their trash in 1999.

The United States recycled 28% of their trash in 1999 compared to only 16% in 1990.

The average person in the United States generates 4.4 pounds of waste each day. Compare that to the rest of the world:

Canadians – 3.7 pounds/day

Japan – 2.8 pounds/day

United Kingdom – 2.8 pounds/day

France – 2.1 pounds/day

Germany – 2 pounds/day

RECYCLE – Cut Your Trash In Half

How to Prepare Recyclables?

Aluminum, steel (tin), and bi-metal food and beverage cans – Wash cans of all food residue, remove paper labels and smash flat.

Glass – Wash glass bottles and jars and remove all lids and rings. Labels may stay on. Sort by color (clear, green, brown). Window glass, Pyrex, ceramics, glassware, light bulbs and mirrors are not recyclable, as they are made of a different chemical composition.

Scrap metal – Many different types of metal can be recycled. This includes iron, galvanized metal, copper, brass, fence wire, aluminum siding, and old pots and pans.

Plastics – May be mixed, but must be from the following categories:

A. Milk or water jugs

B. Soda bottles

C. Detergent, bleach, softeners, etc.

D. Heavy plastics imprinted with "1," "2" or HDPE

Newspapers – If it comes in the newspaper, it can be recycled with the newspaper (unless it’s a sample made of plastic or other material). Place in paper bags.

Magazines and mail order catalogs – Place in paper bags.


Logan County Recycling Sites

Atlanta . . . . . . . Across from the Water Department
Beason . . . . . .  Behind firehouse
Broadwell. . . . . Community Park
Burtonview . . .  East of elevator scalehouse
Chestnut . . . . .  West of township building
Cornland. . . . .  Behind State Bank of Cornland
Elkhart . . . . . . . City parking lot; second Saturday every other month
Emden . . . . . . . Behind Village Hall
Hartsburg . . . .  East side of Village Hall
Lake Fork . . . .  Community Center
Lawndale . . . . . North side of Post Office
Lincoln . . . . . .  Across from Latham Park, on west side
West of C-EL School (Hepler Chiropractic)
Area Disposal, on Fifth Street Road, three miles west of Lincoln
Middletown . . . Northwest corner of park
Mount Pulaski .  South side of elevator
New Holland . .  West side of bank



Lincoln Iron & Metal, 1710 N. Kickapoo St., 732-8416

Various community groups also collect aluminum as a fund-raiser.

APPLIANCES (white goods)

Bob Lee, 726 Pulaski St., 732-2410

James Blocker, 913 Sixth St., 735-1369

BATTERIES (car and truck)

Can be taken to auto dealerships, auto parts dealers, hardware stores, chain stores with automotive departments or independent auto repair businesses.


Area Disposal will pick up from Lincoln commercial customers on a route basis. Hoy Recycling also has commercial customers on a route basis.

COMPOST & LANDSCAPE WASTE (grass, leaves, brush)

Lincoln’s Old City Landfill, Broadwell Drive, Lincoln

CONTAINER GLASS (no window glass)

At this time no available market in Lincoln. Mount Pulaski, Elkhart and Middletown have drop-off sites.

GREASE (collected from commercial establishments)

National By-Products, Mason City, (217) 482-3261


Auto dealerships, independent auto repair businesses, oil change facilities and various commercial buildings in Logan County use used oil for heating


Lincoln Iron & Metal, 1710 N. Kickapoo St., 732-8416


Area Disposal, through Lincoln’s curbside recycling, or any drop-off site in Logan County


Any drop-off site in Logan County except Atlanta


Any drop-off site in Logan County

PLASTICS (No. 2, milk & water jugs)

Area Disposal, through Lincoln’s curbside recycling, or any drop-off site in Logan County

PLASTICS (No. 4, dry cleaning bags)

Broadway Cleaners, 1026 Broadway St., 732-2441


Eagle’s, 1475 Woodlawn Road, 735-3301


Tire dealers


This program was partially funded by the

Illinois Department of Commerce and Community Affairs

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