Red Cross Month

City of Lincoln Proclamation

WHEREAS, The American Red Cross was founded in 1881 by Clara Barton, a woman selflessly devoted to the needs of humanity; and

WHEREAS, Compassion, courage, character, civic duty - are inherent to the Red Cross mission to prevent and relieve human suffering, and Lincoln, Illinois, shares these grand ideals; and

WHEREAS, The Red Cross, chartered and authorized by Congress to act in times of need, provides compassionate assistance to people afflicted by personal, local or national disasters; and

WHEREAS, Red Cross helped people in disasters, and volunteers responded providing food, clothing, shelter and mental health support, and

WHEREAS, people have counted on Red Cross for the information and skills they need to be safe at work, at school and at play. They have trained people in lifesaving CPR, First Aid, life-guarding and water safety, and

WHEREAS, the American Red Cross provides lifesaving blood and blood products whenever and wherever needed — always with the safety of the blood supply as its number one priority; and

WHEREAS, the Red Cross staff deploy with the U.S. military to provide emergency communications and a caring presence to service men and women separated from their families; and

WHEREAS, in 1943, President Franklin Delano Roosevelt called upon the American people with this request: "…that during this month our people rededicate themselves to the splendid aims and activities of the Red Cross,"

Now, therefore, I, Joan C. Ritter, Mayor of Lincoln, Illinois, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the City Council, do hereby proclaim the month of March, 2001, as American Red Cross Month.

In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand upon this 5th day of March, in the year of our Lord two thousand and one.

Joan C. Ritter
Mayor of Lincoln, Illinois

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