Get away from it all, leave your cares behind....

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3. a popular vacation destination in Florida
5. vacations take a great deal of this
7. one of the most popular activities on vacation
8. what vacations are called in Europe
11. vacations supply this from work
13. a popular vacation activity on a big boat
14. done on trails
15. an often rustic place to stay
16. far, far away from civilization
18. if you fly to your destination you will probably need one of these to get around
20. the despised replacement for the flush toilet
21. sun, volleyball and surf
23. with straps to carry gear and belongings
25. canvas dwelling
27. you should carry these instead of cash
29. using your car, this is one way to get there
30. what you hope to be worried about on vacation
31. prevents sunburn
33. you vacation to get away from this
34. there's no place like it
38. the gambling mecca
39. Yellowstone and Yosemite are examples of these
42. a vacation destination across the ocean where one can see cathedrals, cafes, baroque architecture, etc
43. what you have to make if you want a room, a flight, or a rental car
45. warm area in Atlantic ocean, popular island(s) destination
46. you get there this way in a plane
47. a popular vacation activity using bait and hook
48. the coolest vacation spot in the United States


1. south of the border vacation destination
2. see lots of animals there
4. instead of traveling
5. you stay there while motoring
6. important vacation priority
8. some people visit these important places where things took place
9. most popular vacation month
10. some people want a sense of this while on vacation
12. you want to hit this when you get behind the wheel on vacation
16. some people you stay with on vacation
17. one of the objectives of vacationing at the beach
18. you hope to achieve this feeling while on vacation
19. places to stay, often made of logs
22. north of the border vacation destination, the home of Peat Moss.
23. vacation water activity
24. dreaded problem about things you usually discover after you get on the road
26. very tall pointy things often topped with snow, which are a popular vacation destination
28. done on the ocean to see colorful fish and sea life.
32. where you pitch your tent or park your camper
35. the change you really need on a vacation
36. what every campground really has to have
37. Very popular Island destination in Pacific, part of U.S.
40. you might see some of these while vacationing
41. futuristic vacation destination
44. vacation destination where you get toned and pampered

Crossword puzzle copyright 7-29-02 Lincoln Daily News.Com