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    This is the way we mow the lawn ......

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4. the reason you have to cut grass
6. what you do along the edges
8. lawn mower with extension cord
11. what you get from cutting grass
14. also known as a string trimmer
16. grass with not enough water
17. your blade needs this
19. the dominant plant in a lawn
20. you sow this
22. the cutting device on a riding mower
23. no motor on this mower
26. what you put on the back to catch the clippings
28. goes by itself
29. also a type of music
33. a bird that visits after you have mowed
35. cut the grass too short


1. popular grass on golf greens
2. yellow flowered weed
3. what you want to do with your back yard if you have too much to mow
5. they like to eat the grass clippings
7. popular thing to do with left over clippings
9. sweet flowered weed bees like in your lawn
10. another name for cutting the grass
12. motto of sod layers
13. demon weed in your lawn and flower beds
15. cutting straight lines along sidewalks and curbs
16. the cutting part
18. this mower is hard work
21. food that makes the lawn greener and grow
24. my lawn is full of these
25. entertaining and makes mowing less work
27. the color grass is supposed to be
30. your grassy plot
31. without this the ground cracks and grass turns brown
32. instant grass
34. you should probably change this in your mower

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