HazMat Drill 
[click on photos below to enlarge]

Photos by Joan Crabb

[Firefighters spray the plume of lethal chlorine gas so it will not spread to homes and businesses in the area.]

[The decontamination team washes off the firefighters who went into the building to shut off the lethal chlorine leak.]

[On the scene of the exercise, Tom Martin, incident commander, and Bob Merreighn, the sewer plant’s safety coordinator, talk to a firefighter.]

[James Reed gets into hazmat gear to go into the building and shut off the lethal chlorine leak.]

[A team suits up in hazmat gear to go into the building to shut off the chlorine leak.]

[Firefighters still wearing their gas masks try to resuscitate the employee of the sewer plant who was overcome with chlorine fumes.]

[Clint Warnisher wears hazmat gear to help decontaminate other firefighters.]

[Engine 1 was the first on the scene.  All four engines turned out for the exercise at the sewer plant Thursday morning.]

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