Wednesday, December 28, 2005
posted daily OVER THE NOON HOUR
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Tuesday, Dec. 27:
Two ticketed in two-vehicle
accident on Rt. 121 -
Illinois consumers better
protected against identity theft
Governor reminds consumers to protect
their personal information at all times -
Illinois Department of
Corrections graduates 19 new parole agents to support public safety
efforts in Illinois communities
New parole
agents support governor's Operation Spotlight Parole Reform,
addressing public safety, reducing recidivism and taxpayer spending -
actions taken against Mount Pulaski bankers -
280 new laws take effect Jan. 1 -
Cats get bad rap
Toxoplasmosis incidence is not
related to cat ownership -
swimmer to compete in Indiana
Friday, Dec. 23
Thursday, Dec. 22
Wednesday, Dec. 21
Tuesday, Dec. 20