Wednesday, Dec. 28


Illinoisans donated more than 1 million items to Hurricane Katrina victims

Governor encourages continued donations to the Keep Our Kids Warm and Safe campaign          Send a link to a friend

[DEC. 28, 2005]  CHICAGO -- Gov. Rod R. Blagojevich announced on Christmas Day that since Hurricane Katrina made landfall in late August, Illinoisans have generously donated more than 1 million items to hurricane victims. Many of the donations -- which include clothing, household and other items -- were given directly to hurricane victims, and the remainder continue to be distributed to needy families throughout the state. The governor also encouraged Illinoisans to continue to help families in need by donating new or gently used winter clothing to this year's Keep Our Kids Warm and Safe campaign. Donations can be made at all Illinois Department of Human Services and Illinois Department of Employment Security offices throughout the state.

"So many families suffered when Hurricane Katrina ravaged the Gulf Coast, and Illinoisans answered the call for help," Blagojevich said. "Whether it was housing, food, medical care or donations that total more than 1 million items, many Katrina victims found what they needed in Illinois. But, we can't forget there are still so many families in Illinois in need. In fact, this month's cold weather reminds us just how important it is for all children to have warm winter clothing. That's why I encourage everyone to continue donating what they can to the Keep Our Kids Warm and Safe campaign."

First launched in 2003, the governor's Keep Our Kids Warm and Safe campaign is an annual statewide clothing and car seat drive. Citizens, businesses and state employees are encouraged to donate new or gently used gloves, mittens, hats, scarves and new car seats. As they come in, donations will be taken to charities in communities around the state. These charities will then distribute the donations to needy families in their area. Several charities have already received items, including Boys & Girls Clubs in Springfield, Inner City Mission in Springfield, and Catholic Charities in Chicago.

This year, 21st Century donated 100 brand-new car seats to Keep Our Kids Warm and Safe. Illinois State Police officers are educating parents and caregivers on how to use and install the seats and are distributing "Child Safety Seats: A Parent's Guide" to explain proper seat installation and use. The guide, available in English or Spanish, can be obtained free of charge at safety fairs, by contacting the company's corporate headquarters at 1 (800) 211-SAVE or by visiting

Last year, the statewide partnership between the governor, the Illinois State Police and 21st Century Insurance conducted more than 850 child safety seat inspections, resulting in more than 200 unsafe seats being destroyed. Over the last two years, 21st has donated more than 1,400 brand-new safety seats to Illinois children.

To make it easier for the public to help Hurricane Katrina victims and in order to help Gulf Coast evacuees arriving in Illinois find out what state services are available to them, the governor set up several toll-free telephone lines in September. At Christmas the governor announced that the Hurricane Katrina Assistance IDHS Helpline will be extended through the holidays to continue to provide information and support to victims. Since it was launched, the service has taken over 7,000 calls.

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"Early on we didn't know exactly what to anticipate, but our wonderful, dedicated team of staff and volunteers rose to every challenge, met every emergency and overcame every obstacle," said Department of Human Services Secretary Carol L. Adams, Ph.D. "Their spirit of sharing and caring was unprecedented, and it continues today, as there is still a great need out there for the Katrina victims in our state."

The Hurricane Katrina Assistance Helpline -- 1 (800) 843-6154, 1 (800) 447-6404 for TTY -- operates Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 5:30 p.m., giving callers one-stop access to all of the state of Illinois' resources for Katrina victims -- from emergency food and shelter to more long-term assistance like unemployment benefits, food stamps and crisis counseling. Operators from the Department of Human Services are able to connect callers to information on:

  • Financial assistance available from the Federal Emergency Management Agency and the American Red Cross.
  • Energy assistance that may be available through Illinois' LIHEAP program to hurricane evacuees placed in temporary or permanent housing.
  • Various health care programs that are offered by the state and federal governments and may be available to evacuees.
  • Temporary and permanent housing available through the states, Federal Emergency Management Agency, and the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development.
  • Employment available in Illinois and through the U.S. Department of Labor.
  • Change-of-address forms from the U.S. Postal Service.
  • Other state and federal services and programs, including crisis counseling, veterans benefits, senior benefits, child care, and services addressing unemployment, rehabilitation, developmental disabilities and substance abuse.

  • Caring for pets affected by Hurricane Katrina.

The Illinois Department of Human Services estimates that roughly 2,000 victims displaced by Hurricane Katrina are currently living in Illinois, either with friends, family or on their own. Approximately 415 people traveled to Illinois on flights arranged by the Federal Emergency Management Agency. Those who were staying at shelters run by the state have all moved on to other housing.

[News release from the governor's office]

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