Thursday, Oct. 6


State-sponsored insurance hotline answers consumer questions     Send a link to a friend

[OCT. 6, 2005]  SPRINGFIELD -- Illinois consumers with insurance questions can get help from a statewide toll-free line, according to state Sen. Bill Brady, R-Bloomington.

The Illinois Insurance Hotline is an industry-sponsored resource providing residents with access to unbiased information about a wide range of insurance topics.

Brady says the line offers unbiased information to help consumers make decisions about insurance issues. It does not sell insurance or recommend specific companies. Consumers can talk with a consultant who can either answer their questions or send them informational materials.

Consumers can reach the Illinois Insurance Hotline by calling 1 (800) 444-3338. Consultants are available from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., Monday through Friday.

The Illinois Insurance Hotline has helped more than 70,000 consumers since it began in 1990.

[News release from Sen. Bill Brady]

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