New this year is a drive-through lane and free delivery, with
some limitations that apply. "We think this will speed up the
carryout process and allow us to serve many more meals in a timely
fashion," said Germanfest co-chair Aaron Johnson of Latham. Wayne
Mara and Carolyn Pech, both of Lincoln, are the other co-chairs.
The day's meal features bratwurst or hot dog, German potato
salad, red cabbage, sauerkraut, applesauce and apple strudel, German
chocolate cake or angel food cake. Drink choices are apple cider,
lemonade, tea and coffee.
The Alley Kats are a ballroom band versatile in polka music. They
will set up in one of two large tents to be erected on the church
parking lot. The other tent, close enough to watch the dancing, is
for serving and eating.

From the lower left: Dan Franke, Terry Dutko, Tom
Roussin. Upper left: Stan Soboleski and Dallas Blair.
Band leader and electronic accordion player Terry J. Dutko of
Granite City organized the Alley Kats over 20 years ago. Tom Roussin
-- at saxophone, clarinet, flute and piccolo, as well as vocals --
has been with the group around 16 years and hails from St. Louis.
Drummer Stan Soboleski of Fenton, Mo., joined over a decade ago. Dan
Franke of Belleville and Dallas Blair of Clayton, Mo., completed the
current lineup about three years ago. Franke is featured on guitar
and Blair on the trumpet, and both also contribute on vocals.
[to top of second column in this article]
 "The congregation looks forward to the celebration each year,"
Johnson said. "It provides us an opportunity to serve the public
while assisting those in need through our donations."
The event takes place Saturday, Oct. 15, at St. John United
Church of Christ, and centers on the church parking lot at the
corner of Eighth and Maple streets. Hours for the dinner and polka
band are 11 a.m. to 3 p.m.
Plans are for the drive-through lane to begin at the Eighth
Street entrance to the small parking lot that serves Lincoln Health
Care Specialists at the hospital. The serving line will be at the
south end of that lot.
Cost is $7 per meal; children under six eat free. The number to
call for free delivery of meals is 732-6957. At least six meals must
be purchased at the same phone number with advance tickets from the
church office or from a parishioner. Shut-ins can also have meals
delivered free.
For more information, contact Abraham Lincoln Tourism Bureau of
Logan County at (217) 732-8687 or visit
[News release]