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Zonta Club of Lincoln          Send a link to a friend

[OCT. 21, 2005]  The Zonta Club of Lincoln met Oct. 11 at the American Legion Home. Guest speaker was Melissa Davis, a member of the Logan County Paramedic Association who has recently returned from Lafayette, La. She and other members of the local paramedic association have been serving, and continue to serve, in Louisiana in the relief and recovery work there.

Upcoming Zonta service projects include helping to decorate the Logan County Courthouse Christmas tree, serving meals to Habitat for Humanity volunteers, and sponsoring and decorating a Christmas tree for the Friendship Manor Festival of Trees, which will be Dec. 3 at the Friendship Manor in Lincoln. Also, Zontians will be ringing bells Dec. 3 for the annual Salvation Army drive.

Judy Awe reported on the committee assignments for the annual Zonta turkey dinner, to be served Nov. 6 at Lincoln Community High School. For ticket information, contact Judy Awe at 732-4758 or any Zonta member.

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The next meeting will be Nov. 8 at 6:15 p.m. in the Mary Pat Room of the American Legion Hall. The executive board will meet at 5:15 p.m., before the regular meeting. Cancellations should be made to Gail Nunnery, treasurer, before noon on the Monday preceding the regular meeting; phone 735-5551.

[News release]

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