Wednesday, Sept. 7


Community Prayer Breakfast to pray for hurricane victims     Send a link to a friend

[SEPT. 7, 2005]  Once again, tragedy has struck our nation. As Hurricane Katrina brought devastation and destruction to fellow Americans in the South, we are not left as mere witnesses. We have been and will continue to lift up our neighbors in prayer. And we will do so again on Saturday at Lincoln Christian College and Seminary's Laughlin Center from 8 to 9:30 a.m. at the 2nd annual Community Prayer Breakfast.

Locally some have even given their recent prayers hands and feet by collecting supplies, nonperishables and cash to provide immediate help for the survivors. An important announcement about a possible local effort to aid our friends in their time of need is planned as part of the special prayer service.

People attending should enter the campus from Illinois Route 10 and park behind the chapel.

A few $8 tickets remain, as a crowd of 250-300 is expected. You can still procure your seat by calling Pat Snyder at (217) 732-3168, ext. 2243, between 8 a.m. and 4 p.m. through Friday.

A cross section of area leaders, ministers, business owners and the like are scheduled to take part in this worshipful event. Among those expected to share in the gathering are Tom Gerdts and Tim Searby of Lincoln Christian Church; Rev. Jim Cravens of Trinity Episcopal Church; Lincoln/Logan County Chamber of Commerce President Patrick Doolin of Integrity Data; the Rev. R. Anthony Lee of Holy Family Catholic Church; Sally Litterly, Logan County clerk and recorder; the Rev. Phillip Blackburn of First Presbyterian Church; Dayle Eldredge of Middletown United Methodist Church; and J.K. Jones of Jefferson Street Christian Church.

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There will be Scripture, singing and prayer for several different areas of concern, including the hurricane victims, military personnel, first responders, elected leaders, teachers, school administrators and staff, ministries and organizations meeting a variety of needs, our business community, and others.

This event served as a catalyst last year to vault our community into positive action on many fronts, and it is hoped that God will use this year's prayer time to cause his kingdom to grow, to help heal those who are hurting nationwide and to help unify our county as never before.

The breakfast is presented by Community Builders and co-sponsored by Lincoln Christian College and Seminary.

[News release]

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