“As additional uses are created for Illinois corn, soybean and
other commodities, the demand for our raw products increases,”
Gov. Blagojevich said. “AgriFIRST grants will help defray start
up costs for new companies, encourage “valued-added”
agricultural ventures and create jobs for our working families
throughout Illinois.”
Individuals can apply for funds to assist with a variety of
value-added agricultural projects, including up to 50 percent of
the cost of feasibility studies, competitive assessments,
consulting or productivity services (creation of business and
marketing plans); up to 75 percent of the cost of technical
assistance (maximum $25,000 per project); or up to ten percent
of a project's total capital construction cost not to exceed
$5,000,000. For capital construction, funds may be used to pay
costs including, but not limited to purchasing land, purchasing,
constructing or refurbishing buildings, purchasing or
refurbishing machinery or equipment, installation, repairs,
labor and working capital.

“Agriculture is our number one industry in Illinois, and it is
constantly growing and evolving,” Illinois Department of
Agriculture Director Chuck Hartke said. “Gov. Blagojevich is
helping individuals and businesses stay ahead of the times by
spurring the innovations needed to increase demand for our
agricultural products, keep us competitive in global markets and
improve our farm profitability.”
Since the program’s inception in 2001, IDOA has provided more
than $3.7 million in funds to more than 70 value-added
agricultural projects. In FY04, IDOA granted $400,000 in funds.
As a result, several businesses around the state received the
assistance needed to explore or start new agriculture ventures.
2004 AgriFIRST grant recipients include:

Environmentally Correct Concepts – East Central Region
$20,000 to investigate the potential value of Miscanthus as
a renewable energy source in Illinois. Grant funds were awarded
to develop a mechanical method of propagation, determine
combustion characteristics, determine best management practices
and develop a website to provide farmers with this information.
As a result, successful propagation method and best management
practices were developed. The project is now in Phase II which
involves the development of a website and combustion test
Glacier Beef – Northwest Region
$25,000 for technical assistance to upgrade the company
website, production of advertising and sales material and hiring
a full time sales person. As a result, the company has completed
upgrade of their website ( www.glacierbeef.com ), hired a
full-time sales person and developed a marketing plan.
[to top of second column in this article]

Omni Ventures – Southwest Region
$25,000 for technical assistance to enable a consultant to
evaluate the quality of the kenaf fiber and core being grown in
Illinois, to assess the appropriate level of processing and to
develop a strategy for full-scale commercialization and long-term
viability of kenaf as a crop in Illinois. As a result of the grant,
the industry appears to have in place the necessary infrastructure
with companies willing to collaborate with Omni Ventures for the
final stage of commercialization. There is also potential for kenaf
to impact more than just Southern Illinois. For example, there is
the potential to use kenaf for animal bedding and other pet
Illinois Grape Growers & Vintners Association –West Central
$17,450 to provide educational viticultural and enology programs
to new and existing growers and new and existing wineries. The
Grantee was awarded funds to contract with specialists from
Missouri, Arkansas, Michigan, Indiana and Ohio to provide
educational workshops in three sites across the state (North,
Central and Southern Illinois). As a result a total of 17 workshops
were held between April 2004 and Feb. 25, 2005 with more than 450
individuals attending.
Applications can be found on the Illinois Department of Agriculture
website at www.agr.state.il.us or can be requested by phone. Call
Kim Janssen at 217-785-5848. All AgriFIRST grant applications must
be in by 5:00 p.m. on Dec. 20, 2005.
Blagojevich’s Opportunity Returns regional economic development
strategy is the most aggressive, comprehensive approach to creating
jobs in Illinois’ history. Since a one-size-fits-all approach to
economic development just doesn’t work, the Governor has divided the
state into 10 regions – each with a regional team that is empowered
and expected to rapidly respond to opportunities and challenges.
Opportunity Returns is about tangible, specific actions to make each
region more accessible, more marketable, more entrepreneurial and
more attractive to businesses. It is about upgrading the skills of
the local workforce, increasing the access to capital, opening new
markets, improving infrastructure, and creating and retaining jobs.
Opportunity Returns is about successfully partnering with companies
and communities, both large and small, to help all of Illinois reach
its economic potential.
[News release]
