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Elkhart educates on health and blood donation          Send a link to a friend

[AUG. 30, 2006]  ELKHART -- Elkhart Grade School is hosting an educational health fair in conjunction with a lifesaving blood drive on Sept. 8, from 1 to 5:30 p.m., in the Elkhart Grade School gymnasium.

Many thanks to the various health organizations for their interest in health education and willingness to help improve the lives of community members from Elkhart and surrounding communities.

Organizations scheduled to be in attendance:

  • Logan County Health Department, two booths

    • Breast and cervical cancer

    • Diabetes

  • Elkhart Fire and Rescue, booth and equipment display

    • Basic first response and blood pressure screening

    • Fire safety -- Mason Boyer, fire chief

  • St. John's Hospital, two booths

    • Nutrition and obesity, heart-healthy eating -- Genda Freeman, M.S., R.D., L.D.N., pediatric dietitian

    • Poison control and first aid -- JoAnn Lemaster, M.S., C.H.E.S., outreach facilitator for women and children's programs, Illinois Poison Center Satellite

  • Abraham Lincoln Memorial Hospital, two booths

    • Lifeline

    • Physical therapy

  • University of Illinois Ag Extension, booth

    • Farm safety

  • Air Evac Lifeteam, arriving at 1:15 p.m., helicopter and booth

    • Don Gamble -- helicopter

    • Roger Luer -- booth

[to top of second column]

  • The Christian Village, Christian Homes Inc., booth and speaker

    • Child and senior citizen relations, senior housing and nursing -- Julie King

  • Maple Ridge Care Centre, booth

    • Senior respite and hospice

  • Elkhart Christian Church, refreshment booth

    • Spiritual guidance for all ages

  • Central Illinois Community Blood Center, booth and blood drive

The Central Illinois Community Blood Center is the blood provider to 19 area hospitals in Illinois, including Abraham Lincoln Memorial Hospital in Lincoln and St. John's Hospital and Memorial Medical Center in Springfield. Blood collected at this drive is intended for local hospitals.

For more information about donating blood or sponsoring a blood drive, please call the CICBC toll free at 1-866-GIVE-BLD [1-866-448-3253]. For information about blood drives, blood facts, blood types and other information, please visit

We never know when a family member may be taken to the hospital and need a lifesaving blood transfusion. You can help protect your family, friends and community by taking a few minutes to donate blood. Please give what's in your heart. Donate blood.

[Central Illinois Community Blood Center news release]

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