Blagojevich proposes new film and television production tax credit
to continue the industry's Illinois revival
new legislation will help attract more movie and television
productions, jobs, and revenue to Illinois
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[FEB. 18, 2006]
CHICAGO -- Gov. Rod R. Blagojevich announced
Wednesday an innovative effort to continue the growth of the
Illinois television and film industry.
In 2003, film production had declined to approximately $26 million
as studios looked for less expensive locations, both across the
nation and around the world. This meant that thousands of
Illinois-based cast and crew members were largely without work
within their professions. A film tax credit passed by the General
Assembly and signed by the governor turned these fortunes around
over the past two years by making Illinois productions even more
By 2004, productions generated an estimated $77
million and led to almost 15,000 people being hired by the industry.
In 2005, production revenue increased to an estimated $94 million,
which led to approximately 15,000 people being hired by various film
and television projects.
But this business has become even more competitive over the past
several years, which is why the governor is proposing new
legislation that will continue the flow of film and television
projects into Illinois. State Sen. Rickey Hendon, D-Chicago, and
state Rep. Ken Dunkin, D-Chicago, will sponsor the new legislation.
"The film industry is expanding again in Illinois and bringing
countless studios to capture our beautiful locations and
neighborhoods," Blagojevich said. "Thanks to our film tax credit,
these productions are also injecting millions of dollars into our
state's economy and putting thousands of people to work. But we
aren't resting on our laurels. By providing this additional support,
we are ensuring that Illinois will continue to be a prime production
location and the Hollywood of the Midwest."
The primary change in the tax credit would be to make it a 20
percent credit on total Illinois production spending rather than on
Illinois film production wages. Illinois production spending would
be defined as all salary and expense costs associated with
production activities taking place within the state. This can
include salaries, spending with local vendors and lodging. Labor
costs incorporated into Illinois production spending would be capped
at $100,000 per individual. Expenses tied to activities taking place
outside Illinois or related to travel into or out of the state
(i.e., airline tickets) would not be covered.
"Governor Blagojevich and I believe that we must work
aggressively here in Illinois to remain one of the top locations for
all kinds of movie and television projects," said Hendon, who will
sponsor the legislation in the Senate. "This new legislation will
ensure that even more projects will be filmed in our state, which
means more revenue and more Illinois jobs."
"During these challenging fiscal times, we must continue to take
advantage of all of our assets that promote economic growth," said
Dunkin, who will sponsor the legislation in the House. "Illinois has
proven that we have what it takes to compete for all kinds of movie
and television productions, but Governor. Blagojevich and I know
that we must tailor our financial support to meet the changing needs
of this important industry."
The revised tax credit will also be effective for multiple years
rather than carrying an annual renewal requirement. To qualify,
minimum Illinois film and television production spending would have
to be greater than $100,000 and minimum Illinois commercial
production spending would have to be greater than $50,000. The
proposal would also continue encouraging the hiring of Illinois
residents from economically disadvantaged areas.
The current tax credit for Illinois film production provides a 25
percent credit on wages paid by a production company to each
employee who is an Illinois resident. The credit is limited to the
first $25,000 in wages.
"By working together, we have proven that Illinois has everything
it needs to bring all kinds of movie and television productions back
to Chicago and across the state," said Vans Stevenson, senior vice
president for state government affairs for the Motion Picture
Association of America. "Governor Blagojevich's support for
expanding and extending the tax credit is vital to attracting more
location production here and to our studios' continued success."
"This new legislation will be another important boost for
Illinois film and television production," said Eileen Willenborg,
Illinois Production Alliance president and AFTRA/SAG-Chicago
executive director. "We appreciate Governor Blagojevich's strong
leadership, and we will continue the partnerships that have been so
successful over the last several years."
Over the past year, a cross section of Hollywood studios have
delivered the production and filming of tomorrow's big screen hits
to the state, including "Il Mare," "The Break-Up" and "Stranger than
Fiction." Already, the critically acclaimed television series
"Prison Break," the state's first dramatic television series in six
years, has captivated audiences nationwide with the cinematic
delight of Illinois-based film production, while stimulating the
economy and employing thousands of workers.
Productions in 2005 include "Prison Break," by FOX Television;
"Il Mare," Warner Bros.; "Stranger Than Fiction," Mandate Pictures;
"The Break-Up," Universal Pictures; "Drunk Boat," Magnificent Mile
Productions; and "You Are Going to Prison," Prison Pictures. Theater
marquees have also been lit up with a variety of other recent movies
filmed in Illinois, including "The Weather Man," "Ice Harvest,"
"Ocean's 12," "Batman Begins," "Derailed" and "Roll Bounce."
"Film and television production helps spur economic development
and job creation in Illinois, and Governor Blagojevich knows that we
must keep this industry strong to continue hearing 'lights, cameras
and action' in our state," said Jack Lavin, director of the Illinois
Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity. "These three simple
but important words put thousands of people to work both in front of
the camera and behind the scenes. We need this new legislation to
continue making this a reality."
"Governor Blagojevich has been clear in his directive that we
need to reach out to Hollywood studios and bring more business back
to Illinois," said Brenda Sexton, managing director of the Illinois
Film Office. "We've had great success over the past two years, but
there is much more potential for growth as studios see the
incredible results of films produced in our state. This revised tax
credit is a critical step in the right direction."