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Letters of Support

The Lincoln Daily News publishes letters to the editor as they are received.
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Bill Brady fulfilling campaign promises          Send a link to a friend

Dear Editor:

Sen. Bill Brady is the only GOP gubernatorial candidate in the state of Illinois who has already begun to fulfill his campaign promises, which he set forth in his own contract with the people of Illinois during this campaign. In an effort to end the pay-to-play culture of Gov. Blagojevich's administration, Bill recently introduced campaign and ethics reform legislation in the General Assembly to ensure that no-bid contracts are no longer awarded to donors. This legislation also prohibits contractors from donating to officials.

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Other legislative initiatives introduced by Sen. Brady address job creation by repealing the 300 fees and tax increases imposed over the last four years, which have cost our state 250,000 jobs and $1 billion in state revenue. Bill has promised not to raise income taxes or sales taxes in order to restore fiscal integrity to state government. Brady believes this would send a strong message to business and industry that Illinois is putting their fiscal house in order.

Jonathan Meyer

(Posted Feb. 23, 2006)

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