[JAN. 10, 2006]
The Lincoln Community High School Future Business
Leaders of America sponsor, Sandra Bronson, returned to the city
council last week to get approval to host a fundraiser on March 25
in downtown Lincoln.
The event is to help raise funds
for the Logan County Animal Control. The group is planning a
"Pet-a-thon," where pet owners bring their animals to walk a course.
Parking spaces would need to be blocked off during the event.
The funds that are raised will go toward the purchase of a fence,
so the dogs can get exercise. The high school group would also like
buy a shed for additional storage at the animal control facility. A
previous event, Battle of the Elementary Schools, yielded about
$400. Lincoln Wal-Mart granted the students $200. They have about
$750 in total raised at this time.
After some extensive discussion about where to have the activity
so that it will not interrupt business activities in the downtown
area, but hopefully enhance it, it was determined that around Latham
Park would be good. Tentative approval was granted, pending contact
with Lincoln Christian Church, which could need the parking that
day, and proof of insurance for the event.
In other business, amendment to the city code regulating liquor
licenses was tabled once more. The proposed changes address license
classes by the types of sale -- packaged carryout or in-house,
percentages of food and alcohol sales, hours, and fees. The code
limits the number of licenses that can be granted in any one class.
The matter was tabled, as not all the establishments had gotten
their food and alcohol sales percentages turned in yet.