Friday, June 30

Looking for a new queen          Send a link to a friend

[JUNE 30, 2006]  It's coming up on fair time in Logan County and that means fun. It also means a lot of work for those who will be competing to show off their agricultural prowess. A little outside the framework of agriculture, the fair also offers a diversity of activities and competitions that include all ages. From champion breed stock to champion vegetables and flowers, from artwork to baked goods; from kids' scrambles to tractor pulls, it is all pulled together with one common thread, the fair queen.

The queen is the hostess who goes everywhere greeting the public and awarding competitors. She makes as many award presentations in every aspect of the fair as can be arranged during the busy days of the fair.

Each year, last year's queen opens the fair. A new queen is chosen during a pageant at the conclusion of the first day of events.

The pageant continues to be one of the favorite and best-attended events of the Logan County Fair. It will be on Tuesday evening, Aug. 1. This year's theme is "An Evening in Greece," in honor of the current queen, Christina Xamis.

Pageant director Deanne Mott is encouraging interested young women to consider becoming a candidate. In the past a contestant needed to be nominated, she said. That is no longer the case. Any young woman age 16-21 who has been a resident of Logan County for at least six months is eligible.

Not much time remains to become a contestant. You only need to contact Mott by July 4 if interested. See contact information at the end of the article.

Mott says that workshops and rehearsals are offered in July, prior to the queen pageant, in order for each contestant to be prepared. Every area of the pageant is covered and practiced.

The pageant is made up of five categories: personal interview, 35 percent; speech and communication skills, 30 percent; beauty and physique (in swimsuit), 15 percent; stage presence (in evening gown), 15 percent; and pop question, 5 percent.

Communication is highly important, as the queen will be the hostess for the Logan County Fair. She will then go on to compete in the Miss Illinois County Fair Queen Pageant, with a chance at becoming the Illinois county fair queen.

Perks of being the Logan County Fair queen:

  • $1,000 scholarship

  • $1,000 expense fund for state pageant preparation

  • Convertible for fair week and parades throughout reign

  • Many pieces of jewelry

  • Various gift certificates and gift baskets

  • Much, much more

[to top of second column]

The first and second runners-up and Miss Congeniality receive cash and various gifts.

Each contestant receives various gifts for participating.

Logan County Fair queen's responsibilities:

  • Hostess of the Logan County Fair:

    • Spends every day of the fair on the grounds welcoming visitors

    • Hands out trophies and ribbons for everything from prize-winning livestock to baked goods

    • Hands out blankets to the winning harness racers

    • Counts down at the scrambles, tractor pulls and demo derby

    • Assists with Kid's Day

  • Throughout the year:

    • Attends parades

    • Represents Logan County at other fairs, including the Illinois State Fair

    • Represents Logan County at the Central Zone meeting for the Illinois Association of Agricultural Fairs

  • Represents Logan County at the Illinois County Fair Queen Pageant in January:

    • A four-day pageant with interview, evening gown, swimsuit and speech competitions

    • Competes against 67 other county fair queens

The Logan County Fair Queen Pageant is the grandstand attraction for the first night of the fair, Aug. 1, at 7:30 p.m.

To become a contestant, call Deanne Mott, Logan County Fair pageant director, by July 4 at (217) 732-6494.

[News release, Deanne Mott; Jan Youngquist]

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