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Memorial Day: A tribute to America's fallen soldiers          Send a link to a friend

By Sen. Larry Bomke

[MAY 27, 2006]  For over two centuries, the men and women of the United States military have laid their lives on the line to preserve the freedoms we all too often take for granted. However, as Memorial Day approaches, all Americans are given an opportunity to reflect on the selfless heroism of the over 1 million soldiers who have made the ultimate sacrifice for this country.

On Memorial Day we come together to honor the courage of the men and women who gave their lives to preserve freedom and democracy, and it is our duty as to pay tribute to the country's soldiers, sailors, airmen, Marines and Coast Guardsmen who died to ensure future generations of Americans would live their lives free from tyranny and unfettered by fear.

These soldiers did not fight for glory or power -- these men and women bravely put aside their fear and doubt and fought to liberate the oppressed and persecuted in all corners of the world. Faced with great and unfathomable adversity, they traveled across oceans, mountains and deserts in order to protect freedom, preserve independence and further democracy.

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Generations of American men and women have exhibited irrefutable bravery and valor, and their selflessness and sacrifice should be held in the highest esteem as examples of true patriotism and devotion to this nation. Even now, United States soldiers are engaged in a difficult conflict against a determined adversary. Many of these Americans have left families, beloved homes and friends to quell the scourge of terrorism and introduce democracy to a region long ruled by fear and oppression.

On this Memorial Day, while I offer endless thanks to the men and women who died serving this great nation, my thoughts and prayers also extend to the American armed forces in the Middle East who are bravely serving their country in the face of adversity and peril.

God bless you, and thank you.

[Larry Bomke, state senator, 50th District]

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