Wednesday, Nov. 8

City briefs          Send a link to a friend

[NOV. 8, 2006]  The Lincoln City Council met on Monday to conduct city business. A number of matters were discussed. Below you find the results of several petitions that were acted on.

Following the meeting several additional comments were made.

Mayor Beth Davis said, "Lincoln has lost a good friend here." She extended condolences to the family of Mike Abbott. She said that Abbott served seven years on the Lincoln Beautification Committee. "We appreciate everything he did."

Alderman Verl Prather said he'd like to see a lot of flags out on Veterans Day. That is this Saturday.

Daron Whittaker said that the slurry coat that was recently laid on some of the streets is coming up in places. This was due to the cold weather. He and the streets department are aware of the places and are working to remedy it.

Congratulations to city engineer Mark Mathon and his wife. As of Monday, they have a new baby boy, Jackson Dale.

Parking signs

A request was made to the council to mark parking spaces on Seventh Street in front of the Christian Village as "visitor parking only."

A representative of the Christian Village was present when the request was read a couple of weeks ago. He said that they were not looking for enforcement. They have had employees parking in those spaces.

Alderman Benny Huskins said that this would be difficult to enforce. The police can't know who is a visitor and who is not.

Monday evening Prather said that this seems to be more of a personnel issue. They need to police their own personnel to get it under control.

All 10 aldermen denied the request.

[to top of second column]

Working money

With no objections at the prior public hearing, city aldermen approved issuance of $615,000 in general obligation bonds by the city.

For clarification, finance chairman Verl Prather said that this is a renewal of the funds used for capital improvements. The council has been doing this all of the 14 years he has served, and as much as 20 years now, he said.

Unanimous approval was given.

Memorial tree

Permission was granted to Deane May to plant a tree in memory of Gilbert Wilson in Postville Park.

Wilson lived on Sixth Street. He lived and worked in the neighborhood all of his life and liked to play in the park when he was a youth. [Mr. Wilson's obituary]


Residents near 2295 Railsplitter Ave. (at the end of North Kickapoo Street, near the airport) petitioned for additional lighting for the area.

Several city aldermen and the streets superintendent, Tracy Jackson, went out to assess the conditions. It was determined that the lighting from porch and streetlights is sufficient. There is one area that could use a little more lighting, Jackson said. That will be taken care of when renovations to the lift station that is there are complete and the power is restored. It has a light on it. That should be about the end of this month.

Aldermen unanimously agreed to deny the request.

[Jan Youngquist]


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