CIEDC Head Start preschool program
accepting applications
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[OCT. 4, 2006]
The CIEDC Head Start preschool program is
accepting applications for 3-, 4- and 5-year-old children for the
2006-2007 school year. The program operates two double sessions
Monday through Thursday, 8:30 a.m.-noon or noon-3:30 p.m., and a
single session Monday through Friday five hours a day.
Transportation is provided for the morning and afternoon sessions.
Head Start provides a developmentally appropriate curriculum,
nutritious meals and snacks, and medical and dental screenings.
There is no charge to attend Head Start. To complete an
application, contact the CIEDC Community Action office at 1800 Fifth
St. in Lincoln; call 217-732-2159, ext. 233; or visit the classrooms
at 421 Wyatt Ave, 217-732-3448, or 200 Centennial Courts,
[Central Illinois Economic Development
Corp. news release]

