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Fall is here

Help local hospitals by donating blood       Send a link to a friend 

[OCT. 12, 2006]  Fall is here and it is time to help local hospitals restock their blood supplies. Blood is needed every day in area hospitals for planned surgeries, cancer treatments and emergencies.

A blood drive is scheduled on Oct. 21 at the Lincoln Jaycees' haunted house at the Logan County Fairgrounds. Hours for the blood drive are 12:30 to 4 p.m. Everyone who registers to donate blood at this drive will receive free haunted house entry for one child.

Citizens from the community and surrounding area are asked to help area hospitals and patients by donating blood. To schedule an appointment, contact Tara toll-free at 1-866-GIVE-BLD (1-866-448-3253), ext. 56. Of course, walk-ins are always welcome and appreciated.

The Springfield Clinic High School Challenge is under way through May 11. Blood donors at this drive can ask that their donation be credited to Lincoln High School or a participating school in their community. The winning school receives a $1,000 scholarship to award to a graduating senior who is planning on further education.

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For more information about donating blood or sponsoring a blood drive, call the toll-free number 866-GIVE BLD (1-866-448-3253). For information about blood drives, blood facts, blood types and other information, visit

The Central Illinois Community Blood Center is a not-for-profit organization that provides blood to 19 area hospitals.

[Central Illinois Community Blood Center news release]


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