Wednesday, August 08, 2007
sponsored by Graue Inc. & Illini Bank

Hot weather calls for caution

Cooling centers offer relief          Send a link to a friend

[August 08, 2007]  A heat advisory is in effect and people exposed to the heat need to take precautionary measures. Although the extreme conditions have just begun, the Logan County Paramedic Association has already reported a few heat-related victims.

How can you stay cool in the hot weather? The Logan County Emergency Management Agency has several cooling centers around Lincoln for citizens to find relief.

Abraham Lincoln Memorial Hospital is their biggest partner. Although there is some construction going on, the blue room is open with limited space.

The Lincoln Park District Recreation Center lobby has also been a spot where people have congregated, and they have a nice TV and comfortable chairs.

Historically, the Logan County Paramedic Association has offered their conference room if there is an overflow at the hospital. 

[Jenna Gleason]

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