Tuesday, July 24, 2007
sponsored by Graue Inc. & Illini Bank

Illinois to be smoke-free Jan. 1

Senate Bill 500 bans smoking in public places statewide       Send a link to a friend

[July 24, 2007]  CHICAGO -- Surrounded by cancer survivors, health care professionals and clean air advocates at Northwestern University's Feinberg Pavilion, Gov. Rod R. Blagojevich took steps Monday to protect millions of Illinoisans from the dangers of lung cancer by signing important legislation that will impose a statewide ban on smoking in all public places, including bars, restaurants, public buildings and workplaces. Senate Bill 500, the Smoke Free Illinois Act, was sponsored by state Rep. Karen A. Yarbrough, D-Broadview, and state Sen. Terry Link, D-Lake Bluff.

"In Illinois, we are doing what we can to protect the health of families and working people," Blagojevich said. "I am proud to sign this legislation that makes it safe for people to visit or work in restaurants and bars without putting their health at risk. I would like to thank Representative Yarbrough and Senator Link on their hard work to keep Illinoisans safe from lung cancer."

Senate Bill 500 supersedes most local ordinances that may have been considered weak, such as allowing a phased-in smoking ban or exempting establishments that installed approved air filtration systems.

"More than any administration in Illinois history, Governor Blagojevich is committed to improving the health of this state," said Dr. Eric E. Whitaker, director of the Illinois Department of Public Health. "We are the first state in the country to ensure access to health care for all kids. We have made prescription drugs more affordable for thousands of Illinois seniors, and we have expanded screening and treatment options for breast and cervical cancer. Tobacco use is the single largest cause of preventable premature death in the United States, and now Illinois has taken steps to prevent more exposure to secondhand smoke."

Illinois workers face serious health risks related to secondhand smoke. The U.S. surgeon general's June 2006 report concluded that there is no safe level of exposure to secondhand smoke. Research shows that workers exposed to secondhand smoke on a daily basis are 20 percent to 30 percent more likely to develop cancer than other workers. In fact, one eight-hour shift in a smoky workplace is equivalent to smoking 16 cigarettes. Secondhand smoke is a preventable cause of disease and death, both in adults and children.

"Lung cancer is the number one cancer killer in both men and women," said Yarbrough, House sponsor of the legislation. "I would like to thank the governor for his unwavering commitment to public health for this great state of ours."

"Cigarette smoke in restaurants is not only unpleasant for nonsmoking patrons," said Link, who sponsored the bill in the Senate. "That smoke is dangerous -- both for diners and employees. This bill will make public places safer for everyone, and I am proud to be associated with this important legislation."

"A smoke-free Illinois is a healthy Illinois," said state Rep. Barbara Flynn Currie, D-Chicago. "I am delighted the governor is signing SB 500. I appreciate the help we've had from the many advocacy organizations that promote wellness for all."

"Secondhand smoke has a measurable effect on the heart, resulting in decreased oxygen levels," said R. Andrew Rauh, M.D., president of the Chicago Metropolitan Board of the American Heart Association and a cardiologist with the Midwest Heart Specialists. "The American Heart Association commends Governor Blagojevich for signing the Smoke Free Illinois Act. With today's historic signing, he has ensured reductions in heart attacks and strokes."

"According to published health statistics, it is estimated that the Smoke Free Illinois Act will save more lives than the seat belts," says Joel Africk, CEO of the Respiratory Health Association of Metropolitan Chicago. "And based on the evidence in other smoke-free states, Illinois should see a drop in lung cancer rates of up to 20 percent and a 10 percent decline in all tobacco-related deaths. We commend the governor and the Illinois General Assembly for their leadership and commitment to improving and protecting the lung health of all Illinoisans."

"The Illinois Coalition Against Tobacco began working on a smoke-free law 19 years ago, and today marks a major milestone in those efforts," said Janet Williams, co-chair of the coalition. "Because Illinois voters, the General Assembly and Governor Blagojevich recognize the health risks associated with secondhand smoke exposure, Illinois becomes smoke-free on Jan. 1, 2008."

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People may still smoke in their homes, cars, outdoors, private nursing home rooms, home offices not open to the public, retail tobacco shops, and certain hotel or motel rooms. Smokers who violate the law by smoking at indoor public places can be fined between $100 and $250. Establishments that violate the law can be charged an amount between $100 and $250 for the first violation and a minimum of $250 for a second violation within a year. Subsequent violations within a year of the first violation will cost establishments at least $2,500.

"The unsung heroes behind this victory are members of 60 grass-roots coalitions, guided by the American Lung Association, that passed local ordinances and laid the foundation for this statewide law. Thanks to these heroes from all walks of life, everyone in Illinois -- regardless of where they work or live -- will be protected from secondhand smoke," said Kathy Drea, director of public policy for the American Lung Association of Illinois.

"We see workers from all walks of life in our practices who suffer because they work in a cloud of secondhand smoke," said Kathleen J. Miller, M.D., president of the Illinois Academy of Family Physicians. "The Smoke Free Illinois Act supports families by ensuring safe, smoke-free workplaces, which keeps workers healthier and on the job."

The event was attended by a number of individuals who praised the governor for signing the legislation. They shared stories of survival and overcoming the devastating health effects of cigarette smoke they lived with -- despite the fact that none of them were smokers.

Barb Nation of Springfield had a tumor and part of her lung removed at the age of 29. She now requires the use of oxygen and has chronic respiratory problems. Her doctor was convinced she was a smoker, when in actuality she is a nonsmoker surrounded by smokers.

"I am grateful to Governor Blagojevich and the American Cancer Society for making Smoke Free Illinois a reality," she said. "This is a 30-year battle for me, and it's now finally ended with the signing of this law."

Mary Rondoni of Rogers Park was diagnosed with throat cancer in 2003 after spending over 15 years working in restaurants and bars that permit smoking. She has since undergone chemotherapy and radiation, as well as a feeding tube doctors put in place. She was forced to change careers and now works out of her home.

"I believe the public has spoken," she said. "If you want to light up, please do it at home, where it doesn't compromise the health of others and where we earn a living."

Lisa Cristia of Chicago has never smoked but has spent much of her adult life working as a bartender or waitress in establishments that allow smoking. She began developing respiratory problems in her mid-20s, and she was diagnosed with stage three tongue and throat cancer. After having three-fourths of her tongue and 23 lymph nodes removed, she has had to relearn how to breathe, eat and speak.

"This is momentous for me and countless others," she said. "Starting in January, no one in Illinois will have to suffer from the toxic effects of secondhand smoke, whether in their workplace or just hanging out with their friends and family in an indoor public setting. Now, I know that everything I went through was worth it. I would have given back every dime I made working in the hospitality business if I could have had my health back. No amount of money was worth the suffering."

Smoking-related statistics for Illinois:

  • Illinois is now the 19th state to have a ban on smoking in public.

  • Each year in Illinois, more than 16,000 people die from smoking-related illnesses.

  • Currently in Illinois, 24.3 percent of adults and 29.2 percent of youth smoke.

  • Each year in Illinois, there are $3.2 billion in direct medical expenditures related to smoking.

  • Each year in Illinois, secondhand smoke kills 2,900 adults and children.

This law goes into effect Jan. 1, 2008.

[Text from file received from the Illinois Office of Communication and Information]

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