City council and officials
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pictures by Jan Youngquist

2007 Lincoln City Council, chiefs and department heads

Left to right: James Davis, fire chief; Stuart Erlenbush, police chief; Jonie Tibbs, Ward 3 alderman; Marty Neitzel, Ward 5 alderman; Wanda Lee Rohlfs, Ward 4 alderman; Mayor Elizabeth “Beth” Davis; Orville “Buzz” Busby, Ward 4 alderman; David Armbrust, Ward 3 alderman; Kathleen Horn, Ward 2 alderman; Bill Bates, city attorney; Risa Riggs, recording secretary; Jeff Hoinacki, Ward 5 alderman; Verl Prather, Ward 2 alderman; Melanie Riggs, city clerk; Melody Anderson, Ward 1 alderman; Dave Kitzmiller, wastewater treatment plant manager; and Mark Mathon, city engineer.

Not pictured: Benny Huskins, Ward 1 alderman; Lester Plotner, city treasurer; Les Last, city zoning officer; and Tracy Jackson, city streets superintendent.

Standing left to right: Les Last, city building and codes officer; Tracy Jackson, streets superintendent; Jim Davis, fire chief; and Melanie Riggs, city clerk. Following council approval and swearing in to the appointed offices for the city of Lincoln fiscal year 2007, the three appointees shook hands with the city clerk. In the background Mayor Beth Davis congratulates Bill Bates, city attorney.


Les Plotner, city treasurer

Tracy Jackson, streets superintendent, receives Lincoln's Tree City USA and Growth Award certificate from Mayor Beth Davis. The state of Illinois award recognizes cities that invest in maintaining or increasing the number of trees. This is the sixth year that Lincoln was recognized as a Tree City.


First-time Alderman Jeff Hoinacki, Ward 5, gets tutorial from Melanie Riggs, city clerk, as he takes his seat at May 7 meeting.

Derrick Crane

A proclamation was read earlier this month honoring outgoing Alderman Derrick Crane for his four years of exemplary work on the council. Crane also received special recognition and a fireman’s helmet from Fire Chief Jim Davis in appreciation for his work on the fire committee.

One of Crane’s biggest interests has been economic development. He has been instrumental in the numerous aspects of local development that have taken place during his term. He will continue to contribute to the community as a member of the Logan County Regional Planning Commission.





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