"WIN FREE GAS" Contest

      Friday, June 08, 2007



The winner for the LDN "Win Free Gas" contest - week 7 is Rod Conley of Lincoln!!

The winner for the LDN "Win Free Gas" contest - week 1  is Holly Shehorn of Lincoln!! The winner for the LDN "Win Free Gas" contest - week 2  is Debra Kimberlin of Lincoln!!
The winner for the LDN "Win Free Gas" contest - week 3  is Linda Ray of Lincoln!!

The winner for the LDN "Win Free Gas" contest - week 4 is Jean Curtis of Lincoln!!

The winner for the LDN "Win Free Gas" contest - week 5  is Renee Garner of Lincoln!! The winner for the LDN "Win Free Gas" contest - week 6  is Nancy Aper of Hartsburg!!

Have you found the hidden puzzle answers yet? Check the LDN archives to catch up. 

Need a hint?  Email us at puzzle@lincolndailynews.com

Information about week 9 hidden answers:

Monday - 6 answers. 

Tuesday - 4 answers. 

Wednesday - 7 answers. 

Thursday - 3 answers.The locations of those answers are highlighted in the puzzle to the left.


 BTW -- if you are wondering where this list of ecclectic words were chosen from -- we chose them from last week's headlines and LDN articles.

Please tell your friends about the contest!

contest sponsored by LDN &