Calendar | Abraham Lincoln Tourism Bureau of Logan County

Get your garage sale fix on Route 66

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[May 18, 2007]  "37 Miles of Smiles" is how Route 66 of Logan County Garage Sale event founder Bruce Huskins describes the upcoming two-day garage sale extravaganza June 9-10 along the 37-mile stretch of Route 66 in central Illinois that includes Atlanta, Lawndale, Lincoln, Broadwell and Elkhart.

Huskins, a Lincoln resident, brought the idea to the newly formed Route 66 Heritage Foundation of Logan County so that the proceeds could go back into preservation and promotion of historic sites along Route 66 in the county. The primary projects funded from this year's proceeds will be the restoration project at the historic Mill restaurant site in Lincoln and the placement of a marker tribute at the recently burned-down site of the Pig Hip Museum at Broadwell. Money raised from the event in the other participating communities will help fund future Route 66 projects in those communities as well.

All the participating communities will have townwide garage sales, but in Lincoln the emphasis will be on garage sales at residences along the four different alignments of Route 66 and at special Route 66 vendor locations located on Route 66 (watch for the "Route 66 Garage Sale" signs). The vendor locations are the Information Station, corner of Lincoln Parkway and Fifth Street; the Abe Lincoln wagon site, corner of Lincoln Parkway and Woodlawn Road; Postville Park, Fifth Street; the Logan County Courthouse lawn, downtown Lincoln; McDonald's, Lincoln Parkway; McEntire's Roofing, 1909 N. Kickapoo St.; and Latham Park, downtown. Sanctioned spots are also located at Best Value Inn in Atlanta, Route 66 Park at Broadwell and the old gas station at Elkhart.

Vendor spaces will be available on a limited basis for $10, but to be eligible for a map listing, spaces should be reserved by Monday.

"The vendor locations are designed for people who aren't directly located on Route 66 or who aren't from Logan County to set up shop and participate with us as well," said Geoff Ladd of the Route 66 Heritage Foundation of Logan County. "We have vendors signed up from all over central Illinois."

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The event corresponds with the Illinois Route 66 Association Motor Tour that same weekend along Illinois Route 66. The statewide association is celebrating the 18th year for the motor tour.

Also that weekend is the Broadwell sesquicentennial celebration, featuring the 90th birthday of Ernie Edwards of the Pig Hip. There will be presentations, guest speakers, a huge birthday cake and a rare opportunity to have a Pig Hip sandwich. The Broadwell ceremony event starts at 2 p.m. on June 10.

The same weekend as well will be the Atlanta Spring Celebration, which starts on June 8 with a walleye dinner and live music. There will also be citywide garage sales in Atlanta on June 9, and the Big Kidz Toyz fundraiser for the Atlanta Museum project will be 1-3 p.m. June 10.

The communities of Lawndale and Elkhart will have citywide garage sales the same weekend as well.

Event founder Bruce Huskins encourages you to attend this great event. "Come one, come all. You can have a ball," said a poetically speaking Huskins. "Get your kicks on Route 66. At your own pleasure, come and find your treasure."

For further information, contact the Route 66 Heritage Foundation of Logan County at 217-732-8687 or visit

[Text from news release received from Route 66 Heritage Foundation of Logan County]

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