These and other questions related to forgiveness after
divorce will be answered when the DivorceCare seminar and support
group meets from 7 to 9 p.m. Monday at Jefferson Street
Christian Church, 1700 N. Jefferson St. DivorceCare is a video
seminar series featuring experts on divorce and recovery topics such
as coping with depression and anger, financial survival, and
loneliness. Each session also includes a discussion of the material
presented during the video.
The video "Forgiveness" compares the emotional and physical
effects of unforgiveness with the freedom and permanent healing that
come through forgiving the former spouse. It features psychologist
and author Robert Abarno, Ph.D., and counselor Doug Easterday,
author of "Restoration Through Forgiveness."
DivorceCare will meet Mondays through Nov. 26. Participants may
join the group at any time during the 12-week series; registration
is not required. Cost of the DivorceCare workbook is $12. Child care
is available.
Call 217-732-9294 for more information.
[Text from
Jefferson Street Christian
Church news release]