Thursday, October 04, 2007
sponsored by Illini Bank

Statement from Gov. Blagojevich on President Bush's veto of SCHIP   Send a link to a friend

[October 04, 2007]  SPRINGFIELD -- The following statement from Gov. Rod R. Blagojevich was released Wednesday regarding President Bush's veto of the State Children's Health Insurance Program:

"Government has a wide range of responsibilities to the public; but nothing is more important than the responsibility to protect the young and most vulnerable members of our society. And nothing is more vital to protecting children than making sure they have access to the health care they need, when they need it. By vetoing the bill that reauthorizes SCHIP, President Bush today turned his back on millions of our nation's children. Despite Congress' overwhelming bipartisan support for an expanded and flexible SCHIP, with a single stroke of his pen President Bush has wiped out health care for children whose families can't afford private coverage. I urge Congress, and specifically the Illinois delegation, to override the president's veto and make sure SCHIP continues to provide the reliable and flexible federal support that states and the children they serve have counted on for 10 years.

"Earlier this week, I joined with seven other states in asking the courts to intervene on behalf of our nation's children. We are prepared to take action and ask the court to stop the Bush administration's attempt to further limit health coverage for children through restrictive new eligibility guidelines. I pledge to continue Illinois' leadership in caring for our children and will push the federal government to contribute their fair share."

[Text from file received from the Illinois Office of Communication and Information]

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