Friday, September 07, 2007
sponsored by Illini Bank

City briefs           Send a link to a friend

New officer hired, economic bonds approved, annexation and rezoning for property development, and Zion Lutheran School track record recognized

[September 07, 2007] 

First early retirement notice given; new officer to be hired

The council received notice of the retirement of Lincoln Police Sgt. Doug Grieser. With his retirement announcement, aldermen approved hiring a replacement officer as of Sept 15. Clinton Wombles will begin by entering a six-week officer training school in Champaign. His full training will take six months.

The streets department was also granted approval to hire a new employee to replace an employee who is moving away from the area.

Caterers get their own liquor class

Council members moved 8-0 to approve an amendment to the city liquor code. A change in the state liquor code led to the need to add a Class F liquor license for caterers. (See details in past article: City adds caterer's license to liquor classes)

Money to grow

No one made any comments at the public hearing that took place prior to this week's business meeting of the city of Lincoln. Central Illinois Service Access of Pekin asked the city to issue $1.4 in economic development bonds. The bond issue does not cost the city anything; it simply enables the business to acquire low-interest money to build.

CISA is a social service agency that primarily screens disabled and brain injury clients for eligibility and sets them up with services, according to Deborah Sheppard, executive director.

They have chosen to build an office complex on Lincoln's west side because of location and the easy access for its central Illinois clients and staff. The Springfield and Pekin offices will be combined in Lincoln.

Approval for the bond issuance will be brought to a vote when the agreements are in order, possibly in two weeks. (See details: City briefs: City officials approve energy-saving purchase and to issue building bonds)

Another property development on Lincoln's west side

Property annexation into the city of Lincoln and rezoning from M-1 and Ag to C-2 was unanimously approved. The property, located in Lincoln's new west-side business district, just east of the Malerich Drive entry to Wal-Mart, is for a new development by St. Clara's.

Wastewater treatment plant equipment bid modified and passed

Bids for equipment for the sewer treatment plant were discussed. Bids came in for a Modular Aluminum Panel Shield System at $22,148 from United Rental of Urbana and $20,760 from Shulte Supply of Edwardsville.

Chairman Marty Neitzel said that both bids were over the budgeted amount of $20,000. The council could choose whether to dip into appropriations, or wastewater treatment plant manager Dave Kitzmiller said that they could take two components of the system out of play and reduce the amount. The items cut could be budgeted next year. Nietzel said that the bids would then be $19,948 and $18,600.

The council opted to make the cuts and approved the lower bid.

[to top of second column]

School honored for track accomplishments

Zion Lutheran School was recognized by resolution for its significant, accumulated track team accomplishments.

WHEREAS, ZION LUTHERAN SCHOOL IN LINCOLN began educating youth in the City of Lincoln 33 years ago; and

WHEREAS, ZION LUTHERAN SCHOOL has participated in the Lutheran Schools' State Track Meet since the first one in 1990; and

WHEREAS, ZION LUTHERAN SCHOOL'S Boy's Track Teams have been State Champion in 1995, Co-Champion in 1997, and State Champion Runner-Up in 2007; and

WHEREAS, ZION LUTHERAN SCHOOL has had 18 individual champions and two relay team champions with the following students as participants for those events: Josh Short, Todd Kutz, Damon Marten, Rachel Kuro, Heather McCuan, Kim McCuan, Faith Randazzo, Preston Carnahan, Chad Kutz, Chris Meyer, Dustin Woodard, Tiffany Short, Chase Neitzel, Kelsey Washam, and in 2007, Joseph Mangano;


That the City officially recognizes the athletic efforts of ZION LUTHERAN SCHOOL in the City of Lincoln toward the betterment of the youth of our City and congratulate them for their achievements.

That this official recognition of ZION LUTHERAN SCHOOL be made a part of the permanent records of the City of Lincoln, County of Logan, and State of Illinois, to forever honor the school's athletic accomplishments in the City of Lincoln.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the original of this Resolution be presented to the Principal of ZION LUTHERAN SCHOOL and a copy thereof be entered upon the official records of the City of Lincoln, Illinois,

Adopted by unanimous vote this 4th day of September, 2007.

[Jan Youngquist]

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