What's Up With That?

Kickapoo Creek woodlands alive          Send a link to a friend

Many seek and enjoy the peace and beauty of the woodlands such as you'll find at Kickapoo Creek Park. Only, if you look closely, there may be more to them than you might think.

On a dark, scary night, some trees look like they could reach out and grab you with their long limbs. These look like they might be watching and planning just that.

One of these trees is located at the walking bridge over the creek, and the other is just before getting to that area, along the road.

You'll find Kickapoo International at the first rest area along the creek, just south of the bench. Even though it is a remote rural setting, it is a hub of nonstop activity with multiple flights arriving and departing by the minute.

Caution is advised. There has been one fatality recorded. A bird was found recently right below the hive.

[Jan Youngquist]

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