Saturday, August 09, 2008
Sports NewsMayfield's Mutterings: Summer 'Mutts'

Highlights of action Saturday at the Beijing Games

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[August 09, 2008]  (AP) -- Katerina Emmons of the Czech Republic, who won the first gold medal of the Beijing Olympics, in 10-meter air rifle. She's the wife of American shooter Matt Emmons and lives in the United States - but no, the medal doesn't count in the U.S. total.


China started strong, winning two gold medals on the first day. Chen Xiexia won the first gold for the hosts, setting Olympic weightlifting records in the clean and jerk. Then, Pang Wei won the gold in men's 10-meter air pistol.


President Bush tried his hand at beach volleyball, bumping passes to U.S. Olympican Misty May-Treanor and Kerri Walsh, but deciding not to dive in the sand after a May-Treanor return. Said Walsh: "I think if he'd take his shoes off, he'd be a stud."


"I wasn't fully prepared for the pressure of competing at home." - Du Li of China, the reigning gold medalist in the 10-meter air rifle, who lost to Emmons.


Jelena Jankovic says her sore right calf may prevent her from playing her first tennis match Sunday. ... Reigning WNBA MVP Lauren Jackson had 18 points and 10 rebounds to lead Australia over Belarus 83-64.

[Associated Press]

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