Tuesday, August 26, 2008
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Phoenix prosecutor wants info on disgraced NBA ref

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[August 26, 2008]  PHOENIX (AP) -- A Phoenix prosecutor is seeking the federal files in the investigation of disgraced ex-NBA official Tim Donaghy, who was sentenced in July to 15 months in prison in a gambling scandal.

CivicIn sentencing Donaghy, the judge said he'd let the sport down by taking thousands of dollars from a professional gambler in exchange for inside tips on games -- including ones he refereed.

Maricopa County Attorney Andrew Thomas asked a year ago for access to information from the FBI's investigation of Donaghy. Thomas said he wanted to know whether Donaghy broke any Arizona laws while officiating two Phoenix Suns-Los Angeles Lakers playoff games in 2007.

Thomas was told he'd have to wait until the investigation was concluded. Now that it has, Thomas has sent a follow-up letter to the U.S. Attorney's Office in Brooklyn, N.Y.

[Associated Press]

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