public is invited to an afternoon of food and games at the Family
Fun Fest sponsored by Zion Lutheran School in Lincoln on Saturday.
The pig roast and corn boil, with homemade ice cream, will run from
2-7 pm. Face painting, bingo, a dunk tank and old-fashioned games
will be available. Homemade pies and cakes will be auctioned at 5
pm. A variety of mums will be on sale also.Food tickets are $6.50
for adults and $3.50 for children. Carry-outs will be available. The
fun fest will be at the school, 1600 Woodlawn Rd in Lincoln, across
from the Super Wal-Mart.

66 Heritage Foundation Volunteer Work Day at the Mill this Saturday
Are you good at working with your hands? How about yard work? Or
how about interested in helping to restore an historic Route 66 icon
of Logan County? If any of those apply to you, come on out to the
Mill at 738 S. Washington St., Lincoln, IL, to help us in the
restoration process of this site!
For the first time since the Mill came under the ownership of the
Route 66 Heritage Foundation of Logan County, the public is being
invited to volunteer at the work site. The workday is scheduled for
this Saturday, August 30th from 9 AM until "?". There will be a
number of activities available, so there's something for everyone of
every skill level. A highlight of the work day will be the restoring
of the mill blades on the front of the building. Members of the
Route 66 Association of Illinois rebuilt the blades a couple months
Volunteers must be willing to sign a personal injury liability
waiver. In addition, volunteers will be required to wear closed toe
shoes and long pants. Please note that this is all volunteer work,
and payment will not be rendered for the services performed.
Y Biking Blast is coming
On September 6th the YMCA will be hosting its first Biking Blast
for novices, families, and the experienced cyclist. The Y will
provide a well marked 5 mile course for families and novices, and a
30 mile course for the cycling enthusiast. Drinks and snacks will be
provided for all participants. Come join us for a day of family fun
and fitness. Visit or contact the YMCA for more details.