In all my years on this planet, I have never seen a month like the
one we just had. From subzero temperatures to monsoon rains,
hurricanelike winds with 65-degree temperatures, to being buried in
a snowdrift, January 2008 decided to give us all a taste of what
central Illinois weather patterns can be like -- all in one month.
I could write a book about all the problems January presented to me
and my family, as I'm sure so many of you could as well.
Rather than harp on the bad, I would prefer to spend a few
moments on the people who got all of us through this month from
I am thankful for the city and county crews and the police and
firemen. They don't have the luxury to stay home when it is too cold
or too wet or the snow is too deep. In fact, it is at those most
inhospitable of times that we need them the most, and I believe they
delivered as best anyone could.
[to top of second column]
 I am one of those who worry about the infrastructure of our city
and county. I don't believe there are enough police or firemen. I am
certain there aren't enough city and county crews. Since I moved to
this town 25 years ago, the police and fire departments have become
smaller than they were back then. The city crew has been halved
since then, and yet we expect to receive the same services since our
taxes continue to rise. I will leave the discussion of where our tax
dollars go and "Why do we get less and pay more?" for another day,
for another person to argue.
Rather, I would like to take a moment to thank all of these men
and women who are out on the streets doing as much as they can with
what they can. They are the best among us, and we should spend a
moment appreciating them.
What all of them had to contend with in January was far beyond
the scope of just taking home a paycheck. They all served us well.
They all deserve a "Thanks for trying so hard."
[By Mike Fak]
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