Never one to give up trying, Nature decided the third time is the
charm and hit the region today with a quick but heavy thunderstorm
at 5:45 a.m. The storm, with winds in excess of 40 mph, hurried
through the area from the northwest, with the brunt of the rain
falling in the Peoria area. The storm once again moved on before
many residents were up and about for the Monday workday.
The weather outlook for Monday and Tuesday shows the potential
for heavy rain and thunderstorm activity throughout the day and
evening hours.
Weather Underground
"NowCast" as of 8:13 a.m. CDT on July 21:
Thunderstorm Watch 714 in effect until noon CDT today... An area of
showers and thunderstorms will push across the region this morning.
Torrential rainfall...frequent lightning and wind gusts to 45 mph
are possible with the stronger storms through 930 am."
Live Doppler radar shows a line of severe storms from the upper
northwest moving in a southeast direction, with the brunt of the
storms appearing to stay farther to the north this morning.
LDN will keep you posted of any potential dangerous weather
activity as reports come in on the emergency weather report system.