Mayor, City Council, Mr. Bates,
Department Heads, members of the Media, and Citizens of Lincoln:
Last May I took over the reins of the
Lincoln Police Department during a period of time filled with
controversy. On my first day, I held a departmental meeting
outlining my agenda and giving the officers specific direction
regarding my expectations. I really wasn’t sure how I was received,
but for the most part, I had a sense that the response was
favorable. I established minimum performance standards from the
outset. Those standards were measurable and most officers attained
them on a regular monthly basis. I am pleased to report that they
continue to do so. I told the officers that I expected them to be on
the street, performing their duties and interacting with our

-- I have conducted periodic Command
Meetings to review policy changes, discuss officer performance,
training, current issues, procedures, and citizen concerns.
--Worked with Mr. Bates and the
Council to change the City Ordinance creating position of Deputy
Chief appointed by the Chief.
--Implemented "directed patrols" based
on traffic crash mapping and focusing on high accident areas.
Officers concentrated on the following traffic violations:
Improper lane usage
Failure to signal
Improper turns
Following too close
Seat belts

--Reports of call -- fiscal year
Dispatched calls, 8,061 --
Average of 671/month
Does not include self-initiated traffic stops & officers receiving
complaints from the public
Arrived on scene, 11,958 -- Average of
Criminal statistics, 661 arrests
Traffic crashes , 516
Traffic Citations, 1,591
Written Warnings, 1,903
--LPD has an excellent working
relationship with the Sheriff’s Department, the Drug Suppression
Unit, detectives, and patrol officer. The Sheriff’s Department has
assisted LPD on numerous occasions. I appreciate the Sheriff and his
staff’s support.
--One year ago today we lost Officer
Todd Blaum in a traffic accident. As terrible as that event was, it
brought the agency together in a manner that made me proud to share
the same uniform with each of them.
--Corporal Mark Coons, Sergeant Tom
Rowland, Sergeant Doug Grieser, and Assistant Chief Harley Mullins
retired. These four officers left with a combined total of 114 years
--Hired four officers of which the
last three graduated from the PTI on May 8th.
--Promoted one officer to Corporal and
have one officer assigned as an Acting Corporal.
--Established new protocols for
dealing with mental health subjects.
--Written new policies for Use of
Force and Pursuit Driving, along with numerous other draft policy

--Issued numerous directives,
involving a myriad of issues tweaking the way we do business. IE:
Use of the Taser, Searches Incident to Arrest, Dealing with Mental
Health Subjects, Etc.
--Established a positive working
relationship with Logan County Emergency Management.
--Worked very closely with Lincoln
Community High School and Lincoln Junior High School in identifying
those students responsible for two separate bomb threats.

--I receive numerous phone calls from
concerned citizens regarding questions about reports taken by LPD
Officers. Either myself, or the Deputy Chief respond to every
inquiry and when appropriate meet with and personally discuss any
issues of concern. In the vast majority of the cases, we are
successful in resolving those issues conveyed to us. There are
however, some issues that are not satisfactorily resolved.
I received three applications for
the position of Deputy Chief. Each officer went through a very
comprehensive project, requiring countless hours, testing their
skills for the position. An oral interview of each was conducted, in
which I selected, with your approval, Deputy Chief Geriets. The new
Deputy Chief is doing a great job.
[to top of second column]

I worked vigorously with the Lincoln
Police and Fire Commissioners to drastically overhaul the procedures
utilized in the selection process for new officer candidates.
Applicants now undergo a physical agility test, written examination,
an extensive background check, psychological examination, polygraph
test, full medical examination, and oral interview. This process is
working extremely well as we have three new officers who just
graduated from the Police Training Institute with very high
scholastic scores. Prior to their hiring, each officer graduated
with a bachelor’s degree in Criminal Justice. A fourth officer hired
in September 2007 also has a bachelor’s degree in Criminal Justice
and is on the street doing an excellent job. Additionally, LPD was
instrumental in providing professional education for the three
Police and Fire Commissioners.

This is not to say that all is fine
at the Lincoln Police Department. There have been, and will continue
to be personnel issues that are dealt with as they occur. Police
officers are no different than anyone else. At times they make
mistakes and when they do, they are dealt with in a fair,
professional manner. The primary goal is to make sure those mistakes
remain minor and to address them as they happen so they do not
become major. I run a tight ship. I listen to our citizens and take
their comments seriously. When an officer is wrong, they hear from
me. When an officer is right, the citizen hears from me and I defend
the officers to the hilt. If a citizen has a problem with an
officer, tell me and I will address the issue. If a citizen
appreciates the actions of an officer or officers, tell everyone.
I would tell you that I am very
proud of the increased training the officers have received over the
past year. I have sent 23 different officers to 27 training courses.
We have invested several thousand dollars to provide professional
training opportunities that include:
Basic Recruit Course
Basic Investigators Course
FBI National Academy
Field Training for New Officers
First Line Supervision, Leadership, &
School Violence, Active Shooter, Bomb
Threat Management
Deviant Sexual Behavior
Computer Pornography
Criminal Law
Arrest, Search, & Seizure
Hostage Negotiation
Counter Islamic Terrorism

A sustained professional training
program is imperative in maintaining a professional department. I
will continue this practice in the coming year.
I am pleased to tell you that I
have established a good working relationship with the Lincoln
Courier and Lincoln Daily News. One of my first actions, after
becoming the Chief was to develop a dialogue with Mr. Nelson that
lead to an appreciation for the needs of the newspaper while
maintaining control of information released to the press. I have
continued this relationship with Mr. Tackett and Ms. Youngquist.
While we may not agree on every issue or incident, I appreciate
their responsibilities and I believe they understand mine.
Staffing will continue to be a
critical issue for the agency. I know I just told you that we just
graduated three new officers and that we have replaced all of the
retirees. Unfortunately there is more to the story. The three new
officers will work with Field Training Officers through most of the
summer. Currently we have one officer on light duty from a recent
surgery, and we are unsure when he will return to work. In less than
one month, we will lose another officer to the Illinois State
Police. In addition to all of this, we have an officer in the
Illinois National Guard that will be deployed to Afghanistan
sometime in August. So we actually have gained nothing. The entire
Safety Complex is rolling out a completely new computer system that
will require a learning curve for LPD officers and the Sheriff’s
Deputies. This will require a major time commitment for the officers
to learn and master the new system. With over 670 calls per month,
the summer vacation schedule approaching, and the demands of
learning a new computer system, LPD will be stretched to the limit.
I am not sure how we will get through the next several months. The
detective, deputy chief, and myself may be working the street. We
are willing to do so, but when that happens, our primary missions
suffer. I can’t be more blunt, LPD needs more officers.

In summary, I could not be more
pleased with the overall positive attitude of most officers. Their
willingness to work with me as we have changed the way we do
business was a major factor in my decision to remain on this job.
The willingness of the Mayor, City Council, and City Attorney to
work with me on the many issues that have come before you was also
instrumental in my decision to stay. I appreciate the fact that I
was unanimously approved for reappointment. I thank you for your
cooperation and consideration. As we move into the new fiscal year,
I ask for your continued support with the challenges ahead.
Thank You!!!
[Text copied from file received from
Chief Stuart Erlenbush,
Police Department] |