Photos of
the family restaurant's founders, Dominic, Doc Guzzardo and Rose
Guzzardo, decorate the walls. When John and Frankie Guzzardo are
joined by their son, Nick, and daughter-in-law Shelley -- and they
are joined by their children, J.T. and Julia -- the business
represents four generations.
Much love for each other, as well as the restaurant business
running through this family's veins, is evidenced. There is no sense
of competition in the room. No one is saying that this is mine.
Everyone is saying that this is ours. It is this infectious caring
for each other and the business that has made the Guzzardo name and
restaurant benchmarks in this community for over 50 years.
The obvious observation that this restaurant runs through the
family's very being is in the story. Started when Doc and Rose
Guzzardo opened a small restaurant in 1957, the business has grown,
and the family name has become synonymous with great Italian food
and great service.

"Dad always loved to cook and always dreamed of opening a
restaurant, so that's what they did," John explained.
When asked how old he was before he knew the restaurant business
was his life's calling, John knew the moment exactly. "I was 10 when
we put the floor down in this small room, which was the entire
restaurant back then. I knew then this is what I wanted to do."
When a youthful John took a liking to a young waitress from Ohio,
named Frankie Hallett, who was attending Lincoln Christian College,
the chain of Guzzardos was ensured. Their son, Nick, who now runs
the kitchen, wasn't perhaps as young as his dad when he knew his
life's work was in the family business, but maybe he was.
"Nick always had something to do when he was young," Frankie
explained. John reiterated, "High school was very busy for Nick."
Still Nick often helped out busing tables and working in the kitchen
in those years, and during his second year in college he came home
and told his parents he wanted to run the kitchen for the
restaurant. Smiling broadly, Nick said, "This is what I wanted to
When Nick married Shelley, who has a degree from Eastern and
worked at the restaurant during breaks and summers while a student,
she also decided to forgo a career in teaching to become part of the
restaurant's family. "I decided this is what I wanted to do rather
than teach," she said. You could tell by the smile on this usually
quiet young lady that she harbors no regrets in her decision.

Nick and Shelley have two children, J.T. who is 6, and Julia, who
is 3 years old, and if early signs are anything to judge by, the
family tradition is well on its way to celebrating 100 years in
Although Julia is less than enamored with the conversation we are
having, J.T. has sat intently listening to everything being said.
When asked what help he brings to the business, J.T. had a ready and
simple response: "I like to do everything." When asked how old he
was when he knew the restaurant business was what he wanted to do
for the rest of his life, he pondered for a moment and then replied,
"When I was 5."
Again, showing no competition or personal ego, when asked if his
younger sister would be involved with the business, J.T. explained,
"She's only 3. Maybe when she is 5 she will start helping."
To a large extent, John and Frankie have turned the restaurant over
to Nick and Shelley, with Nick running the kitchen and Shelley
handling the dining area. "We go on lots of vacations now," Frankie
said. "With Nick and Shelley running things, we don't have to worry
about things like we did when we were younger, when the restaurant
and the kids took up all of our time."
[to top of second column] |
 John and Frankie currently work weekends and handle the catering
business, and that seems to be a good balance for everyone.
Nick seemed appreciative of the fact his parents handle the
demanding catering, but if one has ever been to Guzzardo's on a busy
night, which are as common as corn in this area, it is obvious that
the staff works very hard to serve all their customers. As Shelley
nodded about the hard work a night brings to the business, Nick
quickly said, "But I love it."
Frankie and John both wanted to point out that their foods are
not processed and are prepared to order at the restaurant, and that
means there are as many hours getting ready for business as actually
being open for customers.
Over the years the family has discussed changes. From time to
time a different location was brought up, but with good business
every night, there is nothing broken that needs to be fixed. The
original decision by Doc and Rose not to sell alcohol has been left
to each generation, but the Guzzardos haven't found it necessary to

Certainly some things have changed. Carryout and home delivery
used to be 75 percent pizza, but now, as more and more families eat
prepared foods at home, 75 percent of the "back door" sales are
other exceptional meals that the family offers. "Our delivery sales
are as much as what comes into the restaurant now," Frankie
Currently the restaurant has 34 employees, with an additional 24
who help with the catering. It is obvious with every one of the
Guzzardos, including J.T., that the employees are a great source of
pride with the entire family.
"All of us went on vacation for two weeks, and every one of our
employees did a great job while we were gone," John boasted proudly.
Everyone was in agreement that they have been blessed with great
help throughout the years. "I only wish I had written down all the
employees we have had since we opened. There have been so many. I
just wish we had kept track of everyone," John said. Frankie
interjected, "Even with college help, we average over seven years on
the job, and many of our employees have been with us for 20 years."
The magic words in Frankie's statement were "been with us" rather
than "work for us." It is this sense of family that all the
Guzzardos meld into their business. If you work for them, you are
part of the family.
John had to add, "We have been blessed. There is no doubt about
it." Frankie interjected, "The money might not be great, but the
lifestyle is wonderful." With those remarks Nick and Shelley and
even young J.T. nodded in agreement.
John finished by walking along the restaurant's walls, past
pictures representing 50 years, four generations of family,
customers and friends. Beaming, he stopped from time to time to tell
the story of a certain picture. It was a perfect end to the visit.
He really didn't have to explain the pictures. All of them have a
story to tell. One only has to listen.
Readers can find more of Mike Fak's writing at
