"Expectations for planting intentions seem to be centering
around 87 million acres for corn and 71 to 72 million acres for
soybeans," said Darrel Good. "That estimate compares to 2007
acreage of 93.6 million and 63.63 million, respectively.
Intentions for spring wheat are expected to exceed last year's
seedings."The planting intentions estimate will provide a
benchmark for anticipating actual plantings. Recent price
changes that include much lower soybean futures and extremely
weak new-crop soybean basis have shifted potential profitability
significantly in favor of corn over soybeans in much of the
At the same time, he noted, generally cool and very wet
conditions in some areas may lead to anticipation of corn
planting delays and a swing to more soybean acres.

"While many producers have locked in the planting decisions
for most of their acreage, history reveals some significant
differences between intentions and actual planted area," Good
said. "Factor in the uncertainty about growing-season weather in
the Northern Hemisphere, and the ingredients for large price
swings are in place."
Good's comments came as he reviewed the three upcoming USDA
reports that will provide fundamental information for crop
markets. These reports are the quarterly Hogs and Pigs report
due March 28, the quarterly Grain Stocks and the annual
Prospective Plantings, both due on March 31.
The first will reveal the size of the winter pig crop as well
as the production plans of hog producers. Current and
prospective hog numbers will provide some insight into potential
domestic feed demand over the next year.
"The December report revealed a very large fall pig crop -- 4
percent larger than the crop of the previous year -- and plans
for modest expansion through the spring of 2008," said Good.
"The March report will indicate whether or not the high feed
prices and low hog prices experienced over the past quarter
changed those expansion plans.

"As a side note, the Cattle on Feed report released on March
20 indicated that the number of cattle on feed in lots with at
least 1,000-head capacity was 2 percent larger than the
inventory of a year ago and the second-highest inventory for
that date since the report was initiated in 1996."
The Grain Stocks report will indicate the inventory of crops
on and off farms on March 1 and will reveal the level of
disappearance during the period from December 2007 through
February 2008.
[to top of second column]

"The inventory estimate will likely be most important for corn since
it will allow the calculation of feed and residual use of corn
during the second quarter of the 2007-08 marketing year," said Good.
"The December estimate of corn stocks implied a record feed and
residual use of corn during the first quarter of the year -- 12.8
percent larger than use of a year ago and 9.5 percent larger than
the previous record use of two years ago.
"For the year, the USDA projects use at 5.95 billion bushels, 6.3
percent larger than that of two years ago. That forecast implies
feed and residual use during the last three quarters of the year of
3.496 billion bushels, 2.2 percent more than used during that period
last year."
With large livestock and poultry production during the winter
quarter and with production of distillers grain increasing more
rapidly as the year progresses, Good anticipates that second-quarter
feed and residual use was near 1.59 billion bushels, or nearly 4
percent more than used last year.
"Admittedly, however, quarterly feed and residual disappearance
numbers are difficult to anticipate because of the large
year-to-year variation," he said.

"If domestic processing use of corn is progressing at the rate
projected by the USDA, second-quarter use might have been near 1.06
billion bushels."
Using Census Bureau estimates for December and January and USDA
estimates for February, second-quarter exports are thought to have
been near 625 million bushels. The calculations of use developed
here suggest that second-quarter disappearance of corn totaled about
3.275 billion bushels, leaving March 1 stocks near 7 billion
For soybeans, anticipating the March 1 stocks estimate is
complicated by the relatively small feed and residual use during the
first quarter of the 2007-08 marketing year. Based on Census Bureau
estimates for domestic crush in December and January and the
February crush estimate from the National Oilseed Processors
Association, the second-quarter crush may have been near 470 million
"Using Census Bureau estimates for December and January and the
USDA estimates for February, second-quarter exports were near 426
million bushels," said Good. "If second-quarter feed, seed and
residual use was near 80 million bushels, total use for the quarter
was near 976 million, leaving March 1 stocks near 1.35 billion."
[Text from file received
from the University
of Illinois College of Agricultural, Consumer and Environmental