Saturday, November 08, 2008
sponsored by Jake's Furnishings

2nd annual Lincoln/Logan County Food Pantry drive coming Nov. 21, 22

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[November 08, 2008]  Last year, WLCN-FM 96.3 station manager Jim Ash spent a weekend up in the air, suspended in a ticket booth on the end of a crane in the Lincoln IGA's parking lot. The stunt was to bring attention to the food drive happening at the IGA, and by all measures the drive was a success

Although Saturday's event last year was cut short due to a chilling, freezing rain, 13 pickup trucks filled with groceries made their way onto the pantry's shelves. There were also hundreds of dollars collected in cash and checks as community members stopped by to donate either food or cash to this local cause.

This year, Jim won't be doing a high-wire act, but he will be doing something that should also turn the heads of shoppers and passers-by.

On the Friday and Saturday before Thanksgiving, Ash will be dressed as Santa Claus and will have his office situated on top of the IGA building itself. Jim will start his day at 6 a.m. Friday and at 7 a.m. Saturday. The slogan for this year's food drive is "Help Bring Down Hunger and Help Bring Down Santa Claus!"

Bill Overton of the food pantry stated that currently the pantry has 470 families and 1,400 individuals in total who receive staples from them every week. He said that every week the pantry signs up new clients.

The Lincoln/Logan Food Pantry, located at 125 N. Logan St., is administered by an all-volunteer staff.


In these tough times, some pantries have had to close or skip a pickup date, but the Lincoln organization has not had to do so. Overton attributes this success to the community as a whole, noting that individuals, businesses and churches in the area actively and consistently help with food drives.

Ash asks that individuals, churches, civic groups and organizations all start collecting nonperishable food items right now to ensure this year's drive is a huge success.

It also will help get him off the roof.

[Text from file received from WLCN; LDN staff]



Bring your nonperishable food items to the Lincoln IGA or purchase pre-sacked items at IGA to help. The more food donated, the sooner Santa can leave the rooftop and prepare for Christmas.

When: Nov. 21, 22

Where: Lincoln IGA

Why: Replenish the Lincoln/Logan County Food Pantry

Over 1,400 Logan County residents rely on the Lincoln/Logan County Food Pantry. Your help is greatly appreciated!



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