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Local graphics business moves over a little, expands a lot

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[October 09, 2008]  You wouldn't think that just moving over 30 feet to the west could make a difference, but to KC Ultra Graphics the move is huge. The graphic arts business owned by Kevin Curry recently moved just one door down from its location at 503 Woodlawn Road to a much larger location at 513 Woodlawn.

The resultant additional space is important to the young entrepreneur as he sees his business ever expanding, even in these tough economic times.

Civic"I probably have five or six times the space I did at the other location. This gives me way more room for production as well as future expansion," Curry noted.

He had to smile when he said that he has had several people come into the new store and ask him when he moved onto Woodlawn or in fact started up the business. "I guess the wider storefront just gives me more visibility than the old one," Curry said.

The 26-year-old Lincoln native has been in business for three years, and graphic design and art is his life's love. He took his graphic arts classes at Illinois Central College and always wanted to do what he is doing as well as being his own boss.

Curry explained the positives and negatives of being in business for himself. "You do have some flexibility that you wouldn't have working for someone else," he said. "You also might have to work till midnight or even later to get an order filled in time."


Curry stated that filling deadlines is the toughest part of the graphic arts business, as sometimes clients don't realize how much time and effort goes into making a product as good as it can be.

As an example, he showed one of 300 5-by-5-inch decals he recently finished for the Lady Railers Booster Club. The design has six individual layers of color in order to make it not only eye-catching but dimensional in its look.

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Curry does more than decals and vinyl cutting. He also designs graphic signs, T-shirts, banners and more. He said that he receives a lot of his business from area schools and their organizations, as well as other organizations, including the Lincoln Speedway.

In the future, to keep the entire process in-house and in his control, he intends to purchase the equipment to allow him to create the banners and other items he currently sublets out after design.

Kevin has help at the business from his parents, Greg and Lisa Curry.

He is married to Tracy, and the couple just had a little girl, Makayla.

Everyone is welcome to stop in and visit the Currys at the business. Or you can call 732-7800.

It is recommended a personal visit be your choice. The popcorn machine always has free popcorn available while you visit; thanks to Mom.



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